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Blind Maze

A clique of individuals ....
Posted September 30th, 2015
Rome, Italy 1991
Going to a birthday party in gorgeous villas on Appia Antica, in Rome, in the early 90's, was something we did often. But, to capture this group was literally, "Old School" ...
I have other photos where Sting and Adelmo, (alias Zucchero) are talking music ...
Donatella Versace was always laughing her head off at people saying we were twins ... I arrived with her, dressed with one of my favourite vintage Gianni Versace "Andy Warhol" jackets, jeans and cowboy boots.
There were people you would least expect, having a ball ... but this photo above, was major.
It is simple, but unique. A clique of individuals ...
I remember almost everyone ...
Maestro Franco Zeffirelli was an impeccable host. Versatile towards everyone, and believe me, you, we were an odd variety of people. His home was a living museum, as is Valentino Garavani's ... Valentino, reserved in movement, is a riot to talk with. His humour was one of a kind ...
La Gina Lollobrigida, whom I adored when watching her movies with Rock Hudson, was a typical "Romana" ... she was funny, and I could listen to her voice for hours on end. There was Renzo Arbore accompanied with his aloofness ... Monica Vitti, beautiful, yet trying to blend in ... The amusing, at ease, Mariangela Melato.
Carlo Verdone, was another odd hilarity to talk with....especially concerning medicine. He is, by the way, a walking pharmacy. People used to tease him and the inseparable briefcase that he would keep at all times by his side. Legend has it, that it was full of each and every kind of medicine immaginable. Everyone called him a hypocondriac behind his back. I consider him one of the most talented Italian actors alive ...
I don't remember speaking with Rita Rusic, she was striking, as was the glamorous Edwige Fenech.
Stefania Sandrelli who has smiling eyes, is always solare. I remember another smile, Maurizio Aiello's ...
There was Thorne from Beautiful and Timothy Dalton, known for his 007 James Bond movies. Few of you are familiar with the fact that HE refused to continue being Bond ... sending Producers right and left looking for his replacement ... (Pierce Brosman n.d.r) ...
Going down Memory Lane, once and a while, is electrifying for the brain ...
September 30th, 2015 10:25
I ricordi fanno parte della nostra vita e spesso la impreziosiscono. Spero tanto esca a breve la tua autobiografia attesa come la luna l'aurora... E se volessi allegarvi l'intera tua discografia sarebbe "fantastico, super fantastico..."
October 01th, 2015 17:29
Bello leggere questi tuoi ricordi!
( bello leggerti sempre, a prescindere)
Chissa' se hai mai conosciuto Michael Jackson, ti avrei vista benissimo in qualche suo video musicale, tipo "The way you make me feel", invece della ragazza che scappa, tu, con la classe, la dolcezza, la grinta e. . in finale, ballando con lui!
Bello il pensiero di due grandissime attrici come la Melato e la Vitti, purtroppo poco ricordate, se non in qualche frammento di video o di alcuni film trasmessi su reti minori. La tv di oggi idolatra inetti e mostri da baraccone che hanno spazzato via anche ( o quasi) la memoria storica di talenti veri , che hanno fatto la storia del cinema e della tv.
Grande Heather, unica, una numero UNO in mezzo a numeri uno ( tranne qualcuno, tipo la Rusic dai. . ha ha)
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