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"Sweet child"......
Posted November 07th, 2013
A "sweet child" as he was known, Marcelo Pesseghini is a 13 year old murderer.
August 4th, 2013 was a tragic Sunday, when he murdered 4 of his closest relatives in their home in Brasilandia, north of Sao Paulo. He killed in cold blood his Father, Mother, Grandmother and Aunt.....and then went to school and shot himself to death.
Pesseghini had no history of violence but was obsessed with weapons and had a large collection of toy guns.... (why does this always seem to happen in the United States?)
A friend of the boy, when interviewed by police, said that his dream was to be a hired killer and that he wanted to kill his parents at night and live in an abandoned house. (If true, then why is he dead, too?)
Pesseghini's Father, Luis, 49 years old, was a police officer and had been promoted to the elite Rota unit - and armed Swat team. His Mother, Andreia, 36 years old was also a long-serving police officer, working in administration.
Police are still baffled since lately there have been scandals surrounding suspected criminals who were allegedly murdered by police. Luis was involved in at least 2 cases where 6 members of an armed criminal gang were killed in a confrontation with his unit.
The commander of the Mother's police unit told radio station Bandeirantes that he was not convinced that the boy was responsible.
Andreia recently denounced other officers for robbing ATM machines and this could be linked to the killings.
We are here, still talking about a 13 year old suspected assassin, who killed himself after disintegrating his beloved family.....
November 08th, 2013 12:39
Cara Heather
La grande questione, a mio avviso, è l’educazione! Oltre naturalmente alla testimonianza di persone vere appassionate alla vita degli uomini che senza tornaconto aiutano la crescita dei bimbi e dei giovani.
Ho già raccontato qualche volta l’esperienza dei ragazzi soldato in Sierra Leone. Bambini educati fin da piccoli ad uccidere. Ma quando, grazie all’intervento e l’accompagnamento di persone che si sono prese a cuore la storia di tanti ragazzi, questi sono rinati e hanno preso coscienza che uccidere è male.
Chi e cosa ci salverà? L’impegno costante di tutti per costruire un mondo più umano.
June 04th, 2015 14:08
Tutte le ipotesi sono aperte, tutto è possibile...tristemente possibile... Certo la polizia-di tutto il mondo- non è farina per fare ostie...
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