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Blind Maze
Free Mind

Where are we going......???
Posted 23 Novembre 2011
I am lost…..without
words….empty, at the moment.
THIS Post is
in English & un po’ d’Italiano…
Questo Blog è diventato Internazionale da quando vivo a Hong
Pazienza......cercate il dizionario....ENGLISH è una lingua
I do admit to
be in awe…anzì…flabbergasted by what is happening to our world…to our society…
When the rules are broken….everything changes….
Quando le regole non sono rispettate.......tutto cambia.....
There is
not one person I have met or known for many a year that doesn’t have a problem
or….the lucky ones…..admit that something very wrong is happening to our world…
I ask
myself…and you will too, after reading this Post or maybe in the midst of
reading it….where ARE we actually going…??
What is
Life is
precious and sometimes we really don’t realize how fortunate we are….
Reading the
paper…magazines and especially one of my best friends, the Web…..
I am
looking on in horror and what is coming about…..
we really actually know….??
I have been
an optimistic person for the past 6 years… (it is probably my adorato who has
guided me into this modo d'essere....…)…
But looking
back at certain episodes…no, not Tv episodes….we aren’t talking “Friends” or “Sex
in the City”, here….we are talking REAL life…..
Look at what happened to the talented but aloof Tiger Woods…..Murdoch almost got a pie smashed into his face if it hadn’t have been for his intelligent astute Chinese wife Wendy, jumping in to save him from this freak……mouths wide open were on the front pages of every “news” imaginable even the same day.
Marrazzo…..umm, well, qui non ho spiegazioni….solo estremo
imbarrazzo per sua moglie & figlie…..I don’t even want to touch the Madoff
Madonna living a “love story” with a 23 year….24, or is it a 25 year old ?????!!
Why would a 53 year old woman , mother of 4, fall in love with a "teeny bopper"...?? I have always admired her and literally cannot wait to see "W. E." the story of Wallis Simpson and Edward.....meticulous, she is, grande talento......even though the critics and media have demolished her....again....who cares.....??
The unfortunate death of Amy Winehouse......
I am not judging…only
brings news….to the news…….for the news.....
The list is as long as can be…..goes on and on and on….Demi Moore and the other “teeny bopper”......a husband this time, Kutcher…..please… not bring up the story of "threesomes"…
He betrayed
This isn’t
the news that should worry us….ma è la Global Economical Crisis and the auto-determinazione
dei popoli che non esiste…..
My impression
is that there are un’ “Elite” of just a few people…….deciding for everyone…we
think that we are free, but unfortunately we are NOT.
Una bugie può fare il giro del mondo prima che la verità
possa uscire da una solo bocca.
“Inside Job”
practically anticipated the “Dominique problem”…and told the shocking truth behind
the economic crisis of 2008… is truly a crime story like no other in
It tells of
the global financial meltdown, at a cost….are you ready????!!!!!
…..of over
$20 trillion…millions of people were left without homes and jobs. Fascinating “real”
"Margin Call" is about to come out with an absolutely amazing cast…Jeremy Irons, Kevin
Spacey, Demi Moore and Zachary Pinto…
It tells of
the financial crisis 2007-2008 of an investment bank …..slightly similar to
Lehman Brothers……
Well, this
is not what I wanted to talk about but it has A LOT to do with what is
happening to our world….world-wide.
26 Giugno 2013 08:23
Great article, so true:) Thank you. We are getting lost and so much confused in this world.
28 Maggio 2015 14:37
Che fatica leggere inglese e italiano mischiati insieme...anche se le lingue straniere sono il mio pane... Comunque sono d'accordo... Dove stiamo andando???
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