Le mie parole

Le mie parole

Free Mind | 4

Ho allegato lo screenshot di uno scambio di commenti con tale Dan Prodsic, perché mi dà lo spunto per alcuni pensieri che voglio condividere. E, così, mentre lascio “Dan Prodsic stendere i panni” con...

Hong Kong Today

Hong Kong Today

Free Mind | 2

Many are asking me what is the situation in Hong Kong that should not be confused with the situation in China from which Hong Kong is divided by a border that is currently closed for entry to anyone who is not a Hong Kong citizen. I admit that I...

Once upon a time

Once upon a time

Free Mind | 1

These images I shot in Naples in 2018. Unforgettable moments that no longer exist and a healthy light-heartedness of other times. I believe that the situation we live in today could have been handled differently. Many criticize the irresponsible...

Il sesso alla mia età

Il sesso alla mia età

Free Mind | 2

Oggi mettete a letto i pupi e parliamo di sesso in età “adulta”! Spesso, quando siamo più giovani, con il sesso vogliamo dimostrare qualcosa e finiamo per farlo anche quando proprio “non ce va”. Per me, in...


Notizie "scomode"

Free Mind | 2

Nel Tweet di ieri mi sono limitata a riportare un articolo del South China Morning Post senza aggiungere alcun commento, ma semplicemente traducendo quanto scritto: "Singapore has temporarily halted the use of two influenza vaccines as a...

Cos'è la libertà di pensiero

Cos'è la libertà di pensiero

Free Mind | 3

Dopo il mio Tweet sull'ipocrisia di chi si ritiene "inclusivo" per il solo fatto che “amerebbe un figlio gay come qualsiasi altro figlio” che è già di per sé, da sola, una dichiarazione omofoba, ho...


Free Mind | 1

Finally we aren't like many a "Cinderella" being forced to eat out at restaurants before 6:00 pm.Starting today, restaurants can serve you at your table, even after !!!A rule that I must admit to never perfectly understanding ..... as many another...

Why Not

Why Not

Free Mind | 1

Many ask me why we will not take the test for Covid that the Hong Kong government will make available for free for all citizens (now it seems from August 31 for two weeks). Some elements to understand. The government's decision stems from the...

My 2020 so far ....

My 2020 so far ....

Free Mind | 1

My 2020 so far .... this year has been an eternity! #2020challenge   HPA

The only certainty we have is that we have no certainty

The only certainty we have is that we have no certainty

Free Mind | 1

My latest post sparked many comments on all social media, a sign that the topic is dear to many. Impossible for me to answer everyone. For this reason, I decided to collect some thoughts addressed to all those who wrote me. Confronting on such...

A new generation of alien-ated

A new generation of alien-ated

Free Mind | 2

The damage resulting from the management of this emergency will end up being more devastating and terrible than the emergency itself. Day after day, we are forced to deny our human nature of being social. Forced to hide our faces behind a mask, we...

One, none, 250.000

One, none, 250.000

Free Mind | 1

Hong Kong's record was impeccable until early June. Let me be clear, even today the numbers, if compared to many other countries, are excellent. Since the beginning of the epidemic, there are 22 deaths and 3000 cases. But something has changed...



Free Mind | 2

I want to make my own, the words of a comment on my Fans' FB page: “No matter how hard I try, I can't understand Lorella Cuccarini's path, how did she come to share this thought? (that of Marco Gervasoni del Il Giornale.it on the law on...