Blog News
Blind Maze
The Benefits of the Lockdown. Spoiler Alert! It's not what you expected.
STANFORD, California, January 14, 2021 – by Michael Haynes A new study compiled by experts from Stanford University, has found that severe lockdown restrictions, such as stay at home orders and closure of businesses, have no...
Anybody Talking?
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The Norwegian Medicines Agency: "There have been 23 reported deaths related to vaccination. So far, 13 of these have been evaluated. Common side effects may have contributed to a severe course in frail elderly. " To avoid any...
Il ricatto morale e la prevaricazione non aiutano a convincere gli indecisi.
Ho inviato al giornalista Luca Telese di (The Post Internazionale) la mia risposta all'articolo a sua firma del 26 dicembre e ve la riporto di seguito. Gentilissimo Luca Telese, ho letto con attenzione l’articolo che ha...
Too little is said about it.
For Elizabeth and Dylan we chose #Homeschooling A choice shared with them, made possible by the type of life we lead and of which we are all happy. But, with no birthday parties, Playdates, Music lessons or a simple Tennis match or Football match...
Let's give many a smile
A few months ago I received an email from the very kind Alessandra Sensini who illustrated to me her work and the many who follow the Salesi Onlus Hospital Foundation in Ancona. I immediately had great admiration for their initiative and I decided...
The Truth
My 10 year old son, Dylan Maria, came to me, after reading on his Instagram profile a comment by @modenacarlotta, and asked: "Mommy, how can you understand when people are telling the truth?" And I: "Sweetie Pie, I am wary of those who boast of...
Diversity Media Awards 2020
It was truly an honor for me to participate in the 2020 edition of the Diversity Media Awards which reward characters and media content who have contributed to an enhancing representation of diversity in the areas of gender and gender identity,...
Le mie parole
Ho allegato lo screenshot di uno scambio di commenti con tale Dan Prodsic, perché mi dà lo spunto per alcuni pensieri che voglio condividere. E, così, mentre lascio “Dan Prodsic stendere i panni” con...
Hong Kong Today
Many are asking me what is the situation in Hong Kong that should not be confused with the situation in China from which Hong Kong is divided by a border that is currently closed for entry to anyone who is not a Hong Kong citizen. I admit that I...
Once upon a time
These images I shot in Naples in 2018. Unforgettable moments that no longer exist and a healthy light-heartedness of other times. I believe that the situation we live in today could have been handled differently. Many criticize the irresponsible...
Il sesso alla mia età
Oggi mettete a letto i pupi e parliamo di sesso in età “adulta”! Spesso, quando siamo più giovani, con il sesso vogliamo dimostrare qualcosa e finiamo per farlo anche quando proprio “non ce va”. Per me, in...
Notizie "scomode"
Nel Tweet di ieri mi sono limitata a riportare un articolo del South China Morning Post senza aggiungere alcun commento, ma semplicemente traducendo quanto scritto: "Singapore has temporarily halted the use of two influenza vaccines as a...
Cos'è la libertà di pensiero
Dopo il mio Tweet sull'ipocrisia di chi si ritiene "inclusivo" per il solo fatto che “amerebbe un figlio gay come qualsiasi altro figlio” che è già di per sé, da sola, una dichiarazione omofoba, ho...