Blog News
Blind Maze
The propaganda, the lies, the hatred come from people who are not fighting
I interviewed photoreporter Giorgio Bianchi who tells us from the Ukrainian front about the war without censorship and the propaganda of mainstream television and press. The war recounted by those who have lived it, at the front for eight years, by...
There are NOT more benefits than risks!
When it comes to adults, I am FREE VAX But when it comes to children, I become NO VAX. I believe it is: an act of selfishness and cowardice of adults, an act of arrogance of science, a hateful act of bullying by those who govern...

I'm a "fag hag" and I always will be
Sembrerebbe che io e una parte del mondo LGBTTTQQIAA ultimamente non ci pigliamo proprio. Ma deve essere certamente colpa mia. E pensare che la nostra luna di miele dura dal 1973 quando, ancora ragazzina, sono andata a vivere vicino a Polk...
What happens in Hong Kong. Quarantine camps and children taken from their parents.
Lisa Boscardin tells us what happens in the quarantine camps in Hong Kong. A story as incredible as it is absurd, but which unfortunately reflects the sad and dramatic reality of Hong Kong today. Courtesy...

If freedom is conditioned by a
And so Hong Kong too, as Italy, introduces the hateful instrument of oppression and enslavement of citizens, excluding the unvaccinated from society by relegating them to pariah. In Hong Kong it will be called the "vaccination bubble". Never was a...

The most overestimated virtue
Life today is made up less and less of us, our needs, our feelings, our thoughts, our doubts and, more and more of what we are asked to give up for others. I always push myself to do better, to be a better person, but it doesn't have to be just for...
Milan, Jan 15th, 2022
Let's say it out loudly For a year and a half now, the life of who has taken the wrong side, it has been a crescendo of society's slavery we have been relegated to the pariah group of this society and those who are famous and well-known have...

Merry Christmas
This was Christmas 1960 and those eyes, then, as in now, were looking at the world without fear. The world can be looked at with the "eyes of fear" or with the "eyes of love". It is up to us to decide. We can look at others with the "eyes of...

Damned for eternity
I wake up every morning with a smile. Life is a wonderful gift and if you are lucky enough to live it with the person you adore and by whom you are adored in equal measure, you can see the light even in the darkness. But this morning, my...