

Free Mind | 4

   "I love the old saying and the idea that clouds                                                    ...

Anna Oxa....Samuel Peron

Anna Oxa....Samuel Peron

TV | 13

  I truly don't think that anyone can doubt my opinion regarding someone's dancing......true or false?!   I am going to be...umm.....true to my word.   I have always admired Anna Oxa....she is an incredible singer. I used to...

Magari ci fosse la crisi .....

Magari ci fosse la crisi .....

Free Mind | 10

Non c'è nessuna crisi, nè all'orizzonte nè al presente.Dice la nostra brava wikipedia: "crisi (dal greco κρίσις, decisione) è un cambiamento traumatico o stressante per un individuo, oppure...

In what home is there Pasta Barilla?!

In what home is there Pasta Barilla?!

Free Mind | 13

  I don't want to be catty while writing about this ordeal since someone "has caught their foot in their mouth...."   When I read the other day, via Twitter, the news of a comment, a rude absurd comment, I might add....said by Guido...

Diet Soda Destroys your......

Diet Soda Destroys your......

Free Mind | 5

  Just a few comments regarding Diet Soda, which can cause similar terrifying effects to your teeth ....   When the enamel is worn away, teeth become more susceptable to cavities and other problems. It is a condition caused by acid...

Stranger Danger....

Stranger Danger....

Free Mind | 4

  I recently read a story that is every parent's nightmare.   In Britain on a ITV News show called "Daybreak" an experiment was done to prove that our children trust strangers more than we want to think...and it terrorized me...

Justice done...?

Justice done...?

Free Mind | 7

  I dare not call him a man or a person, since it would be an insult to the Human Race... I believe that this cruelty belongs to a mental disease.......and that mental disease belongs to human beings. We have been reading for years of the...

Heather like a!!

Heather like a!!

Diary | 2

Heather like a feather, tell me the weather.... Heather dolce piuma, dimmi che tempo fa??!!   May 22, 2013 Hong Kong   It was the twins' 3rd birthday and we were to celebrate with a party at their Chinese International school. We had...

Hotel Bans Kids.........

Hotel Bans Kids.........

Diary | 2

I must admit to have been in awe with horror when I read about this episode...and then I sat back and meditated the whole ordeal for a few weeks...   May 20, 2013 Almeria, Spain   Hotel CaboGata Plaza Suites refused a reservation for a...

Sign Language with Emotion

Sign Language with Emotion

Diary | 6

I have seen almost every Musical in the world....the lists goes on and on, but here are a few:   ......from "Cats", " Dancin' ", "Dreamgirls" and "Chorus Line" in the 1980's to "Wicked", "Le Reve", "Phantom of the Opera", " Mamma Mia! " and...