Blog News
Blind Maze

Do you, as I?
I know that this might sound strange but believe me, you...when at times a painstaking person asks you this most trivial question, I cringe. And, I occasionally lie. "How are you?" ..... Well, I used to answer (while living my first years...

Oscar scent ....
An Oscar scent is in arrival. Eddie Redmayne's extraordinary interpretation of Stephen Hawking is stunning. Look out for "The Theory of Everything" directed by James Marsh. .... A must ..... HP

He held hands with God .....
"Beauty and the devil are the same thing" .... (Robert Mapplethorpe) A rare eye .... HP

Odd jobs .....
There is a book out called Odd Jobs: Potraits of Unusual Occupations .... It is actually from 2002 but these odd photos caught my rather alert eye .... From sniffing dog breath and armpits, to condom dinosaur bones dusters, to...

Walmart customers....
Americans have the gall to dress at any time, whatever comes to are a few of the unexpected. HP

Eating sushi .....?!
Japan Only in China?!? Nooooooo .... only in Japan, this time around. Would you ever eat sushi off a woman's body, the Nyotaimori way? It is a common Japanese cuisine practice. The women takes a fragrance free shower, then spray...