Blog News
Blind Maze

....A Psychologist's other mind.
Maria Alejandra Lafuente Casco drugged, murdered and then decapitated her abusive husband, Allan Carrera Cuellar, with a chainsaw .... She then scattered the remains of his chopped up body across Mexico City .... Pretending...

Gianni's Rainbow Girls ....
I remember seeing these gorgeous women striding down the runway in Milan, Italy ... Obviously, it was at the brilliant Gianni Versace's witty fashion show .... HP

Coloured or white, yet again?
United States ... This is an old photo but it is still a scary reality .... How long is this going to last?! .... HP

Hackers threaten ....
All interviews for "The Interview" have been cancelled ... Finally James Franco and Seth Rogen have become wise ... HP

"Nobody is easier to fool than the person who is convinced that he is always right." .... HP

Sneering tongue in your cheek ....
Hong Kong So, he is fit to stand trial ... Many of you haven't the foggiest idea of what I am mumbling about, or who this man is. Let's just say, it has been the "talk of town" besides the Protestors hitting Central and...

The sound of silence ....
Sealed borders can be found everywhere ... including in people's hearts, blocking their past and alas sad to say, choking their future ... HP