Blog News
Blind Maze
Mamma Mia .....
.....wait wait wait!! Don't click off since I am writing about a movie. I will never understand why the least read articles I write, are often Books and Cinema!! .... You people read my recipes in Heather's taste buds even more!! (so you do...
A touch of the needle ....
How do porcupines mate? ... Delicately, very delicately .... HP
What went awry?!? ....
USA This woman and her family have no peace .... even though I must admit, it sure looks like they went searching for what went awry .... You were not only hynotized by Whitney Houston's beauty ... and by her acting chops in "The...
Unscrupulous Sabrina ....
USA Classy Sabrina, classy .... Julian Edelman learns that "falling asleep with strangers is a bad idea" .... HP
O tempora, o mores! ....
Which is the exact "cultural amount" of the Italian television users? .... Is it each and every one of the 5 and a half million people who gazed in on this years' "Island of the Famous" (?) .... Instead of continuously asking and wondering...
Peculiar entryway....
What is this cartoon trying to say? .... Is it offensive towards, who today, is watching the telly?! .... HP
Penis Festival ....
Kawasaki, Japan The Festival of Iron Phallus is based on ancient tradition that fertility, healthy births, long-lasting unions and is an all-out praise of the penis .... Penis icons from lollipops to puppets are erected...
A muscle that decides ....
...... Before talking, please connect the TONGUE to the brain ...... HP
Follow your instinct ....
"Rigid, the skeleton of habit alone upholds the human frame" .... Virginia Woolf HP
I love change ....
Let's get one thing straight here .... I have never intended on "insisting" and doing the entertainment business for my entire life, as many an artist does .... I am aware of my age and this is why I respect myself totally...
The shadow of my smile ....
Looking at this photo reminds me of a bank vault .... where at times personal items are locked up, but rarely looked upon .... We just keep them there .... I have had my share of grief towards people and what you must tackle .... And, I am...