Blog News
Blind Maze

A fork not to eat with....
You may dream of a thousand new roads .... but have you really walked the old one? ... HP

Barber shop ...
Nanchang, China Have you ever seen anything, so out of the ordinary, near where YOU live?! ... 2 men getting a "close shave" as an excavator continues work in the background .... HP

Pope and the spanking .....
Rome, Italy "A good father knows how to wait and forgive, from the bottom of his heart. Of course, he also knows how to correct with firmness: he isn't a weak, pliable or sentimental father. A father knows how to correct without...

Afraid of the mirror ....
Turkey "The terror when you're the last on the bus and the driver turns the mirror on u" .... Ozgecan Aslan, a 20 year old Psychology student, was stabbed to death while trying to defend herself from the bus driver and 2...

On November 3, 2014, I wrote a post saying that Eddie Redmayne would win an Oscar for his extraordinary portrayal of Stephen Hawking in "The Theory of Everything" ... And, he just won!!!!! ... If you haven't seen this movie, well,...

World attitude ....
Children .... They are in our hands, under our rules and laws .... We teach them each and every day the importance of our existence and how one's life should adapt .... We must teach them properly the significance of life .... and...

Mamma Mia .....
.....wait wait wait!! Don't click off since I am writing about a movie. I will never understand why the least read articles I write, are often Books and Cinema!! .... You people read my recipes in Heather's taste buds even more!! (so you do...

What went awry?!? ....
USA This woman and her family have no peace .... even though I must admit, it sure looks like they went searching for what went awry .... You were not only hynotized by Whitney Houston's beauty ... and by her acting chops in "The...

Unscrupulous Sabrina ....
USA Classy Sabrina, classy .... Julian Edelman learns that "falling asleep with strangers is a bad idea" .... HP

O tempora, o mores! ....
Which is the exact "cultural amount" of the Italian television users? .... Is it each and every one of the 5 and a half million people who gazed in on this years' "Island of the Famous" (?) .... Instead of continuously asking and wondering...