"Just one second....."....

TV | 4

  Beirut, Lebanon   Lebanese Tv host, Rima Karaki has become an online sensation after abruptly and unexpectably ending her interview with Islamist Sheikha Hani Sibai .... She asked her guest a question about how Islamic State...

Children of a lesser God .....

Children of a lesser God .....

Free Mind | 26

  Dear Domenico Dolce,   I am a Mother of two "synthetic children" born with the help of science, those children who, in your opinion, don't have the right to exist in this world, at least in the "natural" world decribed by yourself as...

Art Attack, I mean Basel !! ....

Art Attack, I mean Basel !! ....

Free Mind | 2

  Hong Kong, China   Get ready .... they are about to attack!! .... Remember Art Attack?! Our children sure do .... Art is an elaborate schooling for our brains and I highly recommend it to everyone .... especially our little ones...

Don't take the bait  ....

Don't take the bait ....

Heather's taste buds | 8

  These 10 foods might seem delicious to our precious taste buds, but we should (unfortunately!!) avoid them for a much healthier lifestyle ... 1) White bread 2) Alcohol 3) Refined sugar 4) Processed...

Odds and ends ....

Odds and ends ....

TV | 11

  Glancing at Mara's entranced face, and the euphoria of Alfonso Signorini's brouhaha while they are admiring the general outbursts of Rocco Siffredi's "tools of trade" .... I simply ask myself: "Did you really need to build up a reality show...

Illiterate or what?!  ....

Illiterate or what?! ....

Travel | 7

  Rome, Italy   This "Selfie" rhythm, is totally getting out of hand .... I just read an article regarding 2 American tourists who carved their initials on a wall at the Colosseum .... And, shamefully, took a damn "Selfie" to enjoy...

"Don't gamble: play with music!" ....

Press | 2

  "This slogan will accompany the GAMBLE VOICES tour, in 6 different Italian cities, using 6 different ways to confront themes, while taking what is positive in playing and, negative in gambling." .... "Giving you a taste and education of...

Who's way?! ...

Who's way?! ...

Free Mind | 6

  I am not so sure that "My Way" (which would be "Our Way") hasn't an exit ....   HP

My rival ....

My rival ....

Free Mind | 5

  Kentucky, United States   Murray State University pitcher John Lollar doing a leg kick during his wind-up .... Everything is awesome!!!! ....   HP

Palm of my hands ....

Palm of my hands ....

Travel | 1

  Does this place even exist?!? ....   HP

Young wood ....

Young wood ....

Free Mind | 1

  Young wood makes a hot fire ....   HP

My motto ...

My motto ...

Free Mind | 4

  I respond to the negativity of others by showing how I can mastermind a set-up that seems destined to fail. There's a chance I am being fanciful, but my main concern is to spread hope and optimism .... It is surprising how infectious my...

Wading towards safety?! ...

Wading towards safety?! ...

Free Mind | 3

    Floodwaters caused by heavy rains are still alarming, as we are witnessing everywhere throughout the world ....   HP