Blog News
Blind Maze

....the other one is Matteo Renzi!!" .....
After the Bachelor Degree in Mathmatics and Statistics, he received a Master's in Economics at the University of Essex where he had already started his teaching activity, in Economy and Econometrics, as he did at the University of East...

The answers you don't expect and nobody will tell you ....
Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable ... We close one ear, but listen from the other, or it seems, as in we didn't catch on. This is what certain people want you to believe ... My Grandfather, Nonno Frank was an immigrant. He left Terra...

Phenomenal !!!!!!
New York Phenomenal !!!!! Roberta and Flavia, you are the emblem of sport in it's most genuine significance. We are all proud of you ...... HP

Patience torture ....
China We have been travelling to China for the past 10 years and have been living here in Hong Kong for the last 5 ... (I am repeating myself since people do OFTEN ask "Where do you live now?") .... Getting somewhere by car, train...

Hong Kong, China Our twins, Elizabeth and Dylan, just started Primary 1 at their International Chinese School ... On the morning of their 3rd day of school, they asked me, "Mommy, how many days do we have to go to school?" .... I...

Calculated hypocrisy .....
Pity and the ability "to get under our skin" emotionally, isn't denied to anyone when it doesn't cost us a penny and, it is used to not unruffle our guilty consciences ... But don't let them pull the wool over your eyes! As Rhett Butler...

I grew up in San Francisco, between Polk Street and Castro District .... well, to be honest, not exactly Viale Marconi in Rome, Italy .... I have always defended the rights of the LGBT world without any hysteria, but also without being a...

Maestro Hsiao Chin ....
Hong Kong Never too young to begin learning how Art can better your life ... Elizabeth and Dylan, our 5 year old twins, met Maestro Hsiao Chin at the prestigious de Sarthe Art Gallery here in Hong Kong .... They...

... I am stronger ...
The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places .... Me, included .... You?! .... HP

Happy 5th Birthday precious creatures!!! .....
Today is your day, Dylan Maria and Elizabeth Jaden ..... You have a mind-blowing life ahead of you .... The 2 of you, together with your remarkable Father, make me who I am .... I could never, one day, be without your existence...

Happy Birthday, Mother!!!
What a radiant woman ..... Today is your birthday so, Happy Birthday, beloved Mummy!!! Life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a Mother .... Remember always, to never underestimate your Mother, for better or for worse .... We are...