Blog News
Blind Maze
Nemica Amatissima Report Card 2
The Report Card regarding my second week of "Nemica Amatissima": 10. Butterflies in my stomach: when you enter "Teatro 5 di Cinecittà" you can feel it. 9. To Giada Curti: she is a sophisticated artist with...
Questions from Instagram
-LuciaLu @heather_parisi. Always a hat and sunglasses. A true Diva, eh! Yes, the exact word, I might add, as I am doing aerosol, attempting to eliminate the 8th obnoxious cold I have caught, while posting photos on Instagram and responding...
Everyone knows that I want absolutely nothing to do with Facebook ... I don't care for it and I have spent zero time on it ... When I found out that everyone was convinced that I had my own Facebook page, at the beginning I was confused...
Nemica Amatissima Report Card
The Report Card regarding my first week of "Nemica Amatissima": 10. To Veronica, Fabrizio, Giorgia, Germana and all the dancers: I have no words to describe how they are amazing. I could even consider dancing again. I'm joking! 9....
You can also dance with your eyes.....
I cannot even imagine being able to dance like I used to. If I even attempted, I would be fool. At 56, I would only be a pathetic copy or "DOUBLE", as a dancer .... to myself. If you deny it, you don't know what dancing really...
My last kiss .....
Interviews | 9
With this show, I want to give a last kiss before the next phase of my life ...... ... I will be free to be Heather 100% and I have been 'green lighted' to avoid any...
A Special Day ...
A Special Day... How many of you can count your "Wedding Anniversary" & your adored man's "Happy Birthday", on the same day?! Umberto, you make me a better person & our children are from "genuine" and...
Dear Beloved Enemy, The word "Trauma" comes from the Greek language (Tpaùma) and it means "wound". But, the same word in German (ein traum) means "dream" ... In the long run, it is a matter of with which eyes (or...
I love my life ....
Hong Kong, 19 August 2016 Every now and then, I still enjoy dancing ....... HPA
Doubts and certitudes ...
Rumour has is that being certain has a touch of beauty to it; but what is totally ignored is the subtle allure of being in doubt. Believing is very monotonous, dubiety is profoundly mind-blowing. And, it isn't a question of being modest, I...