Blog News
Blind Maze
Brava, anzi bravissima
In my career I have always loved having, by my side, great dancers because dancing is not a sport where you compete to win. It's ART to share with someone who can be at your level. And every dancer knows his talent. Rivalry in my career? Not at...
The real question we all ask ourselves is not "who" or "how" but "why" ! There is a "why" hidden in all things leading to another "why", which suggest a tiny unexpected "why", from which it is likely to be another, brand new and just born "why"....

A Smile after the Hurricane ....
Hong Kong, September 17th, 2018 Children are unparalleled and phenomenal with their mental elasticity. They pass from one moment of terror, to joy, within minutes, as if turning the page of a book. It isn’t easy explaining Elizabeth...

Victim of Italy’s unbendingly patriarchal society
Asia Argento is a “victim of Italy’s unbendingly patriarchal society”. It was written in an article of The New York Times by Elisabetta Povoledo, as well as other American newspapers, appalled by “the broad and...

Heather vs. Haters
I started Instagram because I have a visceral passion for photographs. A picture, for me, in the mind’s eye, becomes first to every divine awareness. In the beginning Instagram for me, was only images. Slowly, slowly, it became much...

The sunset boulevard
There is a crazy guy on the Social Network that is pretending to be Stefano Gabbana or, Stefano Gabbana has decided to declare to the entire world, by using the Social Network, the announcement of his precocious senile dementia. The...

L'indignazione ipocrita del popolo del web quando non mi alzo in piedi
A chi ipocritamente si indigna quando non mi alzo in piedi. In inglese si chiama "Standing Ovation". È il gesto di alzarsi in piedi in una occasione speciale, in omaggio a una persona alla quale si riconoscono meriti...

Fermate questo gioco al massacro
Ignorare il male equivale ad esserne complici (Martin Luther King). Anche in questa settimana ho assistito incredula a una violenza nei confronti miei e della mia famiglia che non ha nessuna giustificazione. Ne è complice chi la ignora, chi...
Amici Serale 17
Everyone is asking me what kind of "judge" I will be @amiciufficiale. I will be there to let talk about the participants not about me. See you on Saturday night. HPA

Un Fastidioso Imbarazzo
Riporto di seguito la lettera inviata al direttore di Dagospia, Roberto D'Agostino, e sullo stesso sito pubblicata. Caro Direttore, ciascuno di noi ha il diritto di esprimere le proprie opinioni, e la linea editoriale di un giornale,...
American Moon
The new documentary "American Moon" by Massimo Mazzucco is really a priceless piece of "truth". I have always been in love with photography and I have been so lucky to have worked with the best photographers. Some of them, such...

Italy vs the rest of the world ...
For us Americans there isn't anything worse than ambiguity and the distinguishing of one's self. The difference between the American show business and that of the Italian's system, is all in the attitude and approach towards the...