I really can run ...

Free Mind | 1

Don't always trust what you see: I really CAN run! Or maybe not! I prefer walking (even 10 km!!), but running, is not my cup of tea.   HPA

When I was a tiny bit chubby

When I was a tiny bit chubby

Free Mind | 3

   According to what Pippo Baudo recently said to TV Sorrisi e Canzoni, at the time of this photo I was "a tniy bit chubby" ...   Oh dear, my mouth must keep silence ... but if I begin to talk...   HPA



Free Mind | 1

Once a hermit, always a hermit ... And, at times, it isn't our own choice. I suffer from agoraphobia & it isn't a cup of tea, believe you, me, especially when living with almost 8 million people in a Ratio of 1,100 Square km. The MTR (Hong...

Una sterile polemica

Una sterile polemica

Free Mind | 5

Voglio essere come sempre diretta e senza peli sulla lingua. Il tentativo di certa carta stampata italiana di utilizzare la mia gestualità per appiccicarmi etichette politiche conferma la mia convinzione che l'italiano ha la tendenza ad...

When the entire world is choosing the wrong, we support the RIGHTS.

When the entire world is choosing the wrong, we support the RIGHTS.

Free Mind | 1

Since 2007 Rete Lenford fights discrimination for sexual orientation and gender identity with activities of prevention, legal protection and promotion.Rete Lenford is an association of female and male lawyers and practitioners (LGBTI Lawyer) and it...

Time pass by so quicly

Free Mind | 1

How is it that time flies by so quickly? Wasn't it just Monday, yesterday?! Help, someone stop the clock & freeze time !!! HPA  

When it is raining ...

Free Mind | 1

When it is raining cats & dogs outside, Black is the New Look!! HPA


Free Mind | 1

For many of us, Monday is the most difficult day. But I have learned not to count the days of the week anymore, this way I live more happily. Good morning everyone!! HPA

Dangerous Liaisons (not friendship)

Dangerous Liaisons (not friendship)

Press | 2

I swear, I didn't want to reply, but how can I explain to my children why someone called me mentally ill?  Lucio Presta’s statement to Adnkronos on April 9, 2019 “Heather is ill and suffering from a typical syndrome of todays day...

Mi ha scritto Heather Parisi, provo a rispondere

Mi ha scritto Heather Parisi, provo a rispondere

Free Mind | 7

MI HA SCRITTO HEATHER PARISI. PROVO A RISPONDERE. Maurizio Blondet  16 Marzo 2019  Ho ricevuto  – e ne sono lusingato – questa lettera da Heater Parisi. Garbata, ferma e ben espressa. Sotto, provo a...

Un secondo a pensare  ...... vale vale più di trenta ore

Un secondo a pensare ...... vale vale più di trenta ore

Free Mind | 3

La diffidenza, il disprezzo nei confronti del diverso, la paura dell'estraneo e la tendenza a sentirsi meglio degli altri, sono sintomi inequivocabili di razzismo, forse inconsapveole, ma pur sempre razzismo. A Greta Thunberg è stata...