Blog News
Blind Maze

Posted October 25th, 2016
Everyone knows that I want absolutely nothing to do with Facebook ...
I don't care for it and I have spent zero time on it ...
When I found out that everyone was convinced that I had my own Facebook page, at the beginning I was confused ...
Then I was told that there is a group of faithful and courageous "Knight in tights" that broadcast on the web their "creeds for Heather Parisi" ... No doubt, they are good at that!! ...
Let's get one thing straight, I will take no responsibility whatsoever for what is written on HEATHER PARISI OFFICIAL FANS CLUB, even though more yes than no, we are on the same wave-length ...
I will introduce them:
"The Facebook page, HEATHER PARISI OFFICIAL FANS CLUB, is managed, trimmed and looked after religiously, by a permanent team of fans who never give up or surrender for #TeamHeather, with the help and contribution of other "freelance" colleagues ...
Even though we are the "expert squad" and have been following Heather, practically from the beginning, at times, even we forget or lose touch of an exact date, event, or a particular detail of her long career. As multifaceted as Heather's career was (and is), it is fundamental in these cases, our "Brainstorming" ...
Our mission? Every day, we would like to update, inform, have fun and obviously entertain the numerous fans, that have been following Heather, without a sign of interruption, since 30 years ...
We will be mixing articles of her past and present path, from her work days to her private Life, trying to offer unpublished photos of excellent quality, verified news and the chronology that concerns her career: which could be anything from one of her records that came out in Colombia or a German Television show ...
Our motto? #SheStheBestForgetTheRest "
October 25th, 2016 14:12
Facebook è nato, forse, con i migliori intenti...per deteriorarsi brutalmente nel tempo arruolando sempre più un numero di iscritti privi di materia grigia... e di educazione. Passando invece ad un argomento che tiene in piacevole ansia, perché la prossima volta che scrivi sul TUO sito internet, non ci comunichi la data di uscita della tua autobiografia? Vogliamo fare un bel "rigore" all'avversario???
October 28th, 2016 18:56
Hai fatto bene a non entrare o uscire da Facebook ... in ogni caso quella pagina a mio avviso è ben curata e spesso riporta video, foto etc interessanti,
November 04th, 2016 21:38
Sono iscritta a quella pagina che mi sembra ben fatta.
November 07th, 2016 00:52
Adoro quella pagina... loro ti amano come noi... sempre e per sempre...
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