
Heather Parisi Tv è HeatherVisione

Posted May 12th, 2021

Here we are!

The time has finally come...

O May 18th, my Web TV channel will be born and, I have butterflies in my stomach as in my debut at the San Francisco Ballet.

On my TV, I tell in a simple way and with a smile, my life, my daily life, my career, my world and my passions.

Two appointments every week with my gymnastics, my cooking, dance, the anecdotes of my career and obviously the live streaming with those of you who follow me, to answer your questions and curiosities.

But HeatherVisione and HeatherParisiTv is much more than that.

It is a magic box that is filled every week with new contents, where the only limit is the imagination and the only "drive" is the continuous feeling with the viewer.

On HeatherParisiTv you can also find my movie "Blind Maze" and "Heather's Puzzle".

Soon HeatherParisiTv will also be an App for Iphone and Android to be able to enjoy the contents at any time, on any device.


where you want,

whenever you want,

how you want.

I'm waiting for you all and ...

Enjoy HeatherVisione 



May 12th, 2021 10:18

This is great news

May 18th, 2021 20:46

Cara Heather, sono felicissimo per questa tua nuova avventura... la tua televisione. Sapere che possiamo vederti dal vivo in TV è una gioia immensa... non vedo l'ora di leggerti e guardarti. Ho come la sensazione di stare per entrare nella tua vita. Intanto un grandissimo In Bocca Al Lupo. Ti voglio bene, sempre tuo... franco

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