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Blind Maze

Women's Role in the Italian Society
Posted November 01th, 2018
A few weeks ago I received a letter from the Petrarch Committee, which is made up of an informal group of citizens that aim to promote the development of the adjacent area at Viale Certosa and Viale Espinasse, in the north-western outskirts of Milan, Italy.
I am faithfully quoting their words, with which Federico Guastoni, on the behalf of the committee, wanted to describe to me the project.
I must admit that I was fascinated and at the same time eager, to partecipate in some way or another.
"The project, with which the committee had been carrying out for some time now, concerns the realization of an urban work of Art entitled "Women's Role in the Italian Society", a theme so often celebrated as is forgotten, highlighting their courage and commitment of the women which can succeed.
The mural has therefore the objective of celebrating a plurality of female figures, who with determination and self-discipline, have been able, over decades, to change in the most varied areas (Entrepreneurship, Science, Literature, etc) the role of Women.
The project is mostly developed in the green area of Via Ludovico di Breme, adjacent to Viale Certosa, which the Petrarca Committee has contributed together with the City of Milan to redevelop, transforming it into a garden of over 4,000 square meters for the use of the community and adjacent commercial activities.
The area and its neighbourhood, are congested today by a strong prostitution ring, and starting from this burgeoning social problem, we have developed the idea of a Mural that celebrated the role of Women.
Urban Muralism has for years been a real Art form, capable of contributing to the revival of entire peripheral areas and bringing to the attention social themes of primary importance. Certainly for a project of this range, destined to become the largest urban project in the City of Milan, we couldn't hesitate to request the participation of Orticanoodles, among the best known Italian Street Artists."
I firmly believe that iniziatives of this kind should have solidarity and support from as many as people as possible. It would be desirable to be able to find sponsors who could finance this idea, which is also sponsored by the City of Milan.
Anyone interested in learning more or receiving more information, can write to o contattare il +39 347 4703193.
November 02th, 2018 14:14
Bravissima Heather, hai fatto bene a pubblicarlo. E, chi ha orecchie per intendere... intenda... Love for you, always.
November 05th, 2018 19:22
Buoni propositi, idee nuove ed impegno per ripartire ogni giorno senza paura e forza col cuore! Milano città generosa e attenta ai bisogni della gente vuole sempre migliorare ...anche se si corre si può fermare per pensare avanti tutta cara Heather have a nice evening!
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