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Blind Maze

"Don't gamble: play with music!" ....
Posted March 10th, 2015
"This slogan will accompany the GAMBLE VOICES tour, in 6 different Italian cities, using 6 different ways to confront themes, while taking what is positive in playing and, negative in gambling." ....
"Giving you a taste and education of what music, theatre, and of course dance really are .... as in human intellectual achievement .... These will be scattered as the principal message .... In simple wording: Dance, Recite, Play an instrument.... a form of enlightenment within music, theatre and dance....but don't gamble, it's risks are too grave for you and for others!" .... Carlotta Zanobini
I am publicizing Carlotta's quotes and poster regarding her intense proposal .... This subject is rarely spoken about and never enough .... especially in these difficult moments .... Gambling continuosly garners it's victims ....
A special hello to all of the students from Scuola Arte Danza!!! ....
March 11th, 2015 12:54
Interessante, grazie!
. . e' molto bello il messaggio, certo anche lo Stato ha la sua bella fetta di responsabilita', invece di chiudere le universita' e dare licenze a go go come uno scriteriato per le sale di slot machine e giochi d'azzardo, come purtroppo e' accaduto davanti ai nostri occhi e in tutte le citta' e paesini anche piccoli, cosi da invogliare la gente a rovinarsi invece di istruirsi,. . .
June 17th, 2015 14:12
Giusto, concordo. Musica, danza, recitazione, sports..."giochi" decisamente più sani e salutari. Ma è tanto difficile arrivarci???
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