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Blind Maze

"Rape happens by accident" ..... excuse me?!
Posted August 26th, 2014
New Delhi, India
Just at the thought, I get chills going up and down my spine...
A Minister from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ruling party has said rapes happen "accidently"
..... Do I need to rewrite this phrase again or did you get it the first time around?!
Ramsevak Paikra, the home Minister of Chhattisgarh state who is responsable for law and order, said that rapes did not happen deliberately. "Such incidents happen accidently", was his absurd response after being asked his thoughts on the gang rape and lynching of two girls (14 and 15 year old cousins, who had gone to the fields because they didn't a bathroom!!), in a neighbouring state and, later had the gall to say that he had been misquoted. (Yeh, tell me about it....) .....
There was the infamous "incident" of the 23 year old Physiotherapy University student who was violently gang-raped on a bus while in the company of her friend. Her intestines were removed because of injuries caused by a metal rod "used" during the rape. Attempting to save her life, she was later flown to a Singaporean hospital, where she died....
The list of "accidental incidents" unfortunately goes on and on.....a Danish tourist was gang-raped in Central Delhi....a Malaysian woman was raped in her car last week....
Several Indian politicians have sought to blame tight jeans, short skirts and other "Western" influences for the country's rise in rapes, while the head of a village council pointed to chow mein, which he claimed led to hormone imbalances among men.
I could go on and on but we will never be able to control this despicable manner that certain Indian men have. It is their mentality. No respect whatsoever for women. The thought is abhorrent and this is a major crisis for a country already in difficulty.
I regrettably advise "anyone" who is female to avoid India. I have been there a few times and was luckily well-guarded....
I ask myself, what pleasure can that bring, visiting a dramatically picturesque country, with unforgettable colours, mouth-watering food...............but having to always watch your back?
Never go alone .....
August 26th, 2014 15:14
Ma ci stiamo prendendo in giro? "Accidentalmente"?! Vuol dire che in quel momento accade per caso di usare violenza di gruppo su una sola persona non in grado di difendersi? "Accidentalmente" spaccherei il setto nasale a chi dice certe stronzate!!! Siamo nel 2014 ed è assurdo che una donna non possa sentirsi libera di girare per strada a casa sua o altrove! Basta scuse fermiamo o no queste violenze?
August 26th, 2014 21:05
Siamo alle solite Heather
Se non si parte da un principio e da un valore giusto, in questo caso che gli esseri umani vanno rispettati sempre, si può dire e fare di tutto. Il relativismo impera e tutto è giustificato in nome di una libertà che non è libertà; è pura violenza.
June 10th, 2015 14:20
Per chi stupra ci vuole la castrazione chirurgica. Quella chimica è una barzelletta. Che Dio li strafulmini...
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