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Blind Maze

Nature Toilet
Posted February 28th, 2014
We all know how fascinated the Japanese are with toilet designs.
Who of you, hasn't had the experience of the SUPER TOILET, which consists of not using your hands whatsoever: a heated seat, music, a built-in bidet with 2 to 3 different varieties of your choice to wash you, an intimate dryer and last, but certainly not least, the magical flushing system.....? Yes, it decides when to flush! Oh, and let's not forget that the lid closes automatically, when you arise ....
I had this awesome aquaintence in Tokyo (and in Macau, of course!!) and it is bewildering!!! I know, I know, this could seem like a very intimate subject to talk about..... but in Chiba, Japan, there is a quirky project by the awarding-winning Japanese architect, Sou Fujimoto.
One of Sou Fujimoto's favourite projects is a "Nature Toilet" within the landscape garden next to Itabu Station.
He said with a laugh, "That was a funny project! The requirement was for a public toilet on a site that looked like a natural field. A public toilet is interesting because it is both very private and public at the same time."
I am very "private" and sincerely would never even go near a toilet of the sort....not even to see, for curiousity, anybody "relieving themselves" .....
You ..... ?!
February 28th, 2014 10:52
. . non ci andrei mai nemmeno io!. . .non puo' essere privata e pubblica al tempo stesso, a me pare sia pubblica e basta.
Non sapevo delle toilet tuttofare, cavolo fantastico!
February 28th, 2014 19:20
Ma dai ...
No no io voglio il mio bagno pulito chiuso con tanto di lavandino, sapone, doccia etc.
Ovviamente se fossi in un bosco ... e non ci fossero alternative non mi farei problemi ma in pubblico no. Non mi piace.
March 01th, 2014 10:28
haha Nice and fun, I can't go in such a toilet neither. But Japanese they are strange and innovative. Maybe they try to tell us something ...or just to make fun:) Who knows? :)
March 03th, 2014 00:00
ma questi sono matti!!!!!
March 07th, 2014 20:50
incredibileeee sono rimasto sconvolto ,ne parlero' domani a lavoro .
un bacione cara Heather
June 06th, 2015 14:38
E troppo divertente! Ma almeno in bagno, un po di sacrosanta privacy...
December 21th, 2016 08:45
Assolutamente no!!! Però è interessante quello che riescono a fare i Giapponesi!! Sono avanti anni luce sanno fare tutto, parlo per la tecnologia!!!
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