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Blind Maze

Imperturbable with equilibrium ....
Posted May 04th, 2015
We need to instil a "permanent memory", one that lights up like fireworks, if our children are ever inclined to disobey.
Obedience and respect are not obtained by using proper consequences, but are obtained by proper attitude. As in being calm, self-possessed, straightforward and matter-of-fact. We must be.....unflappable.
People keep saying that my husband and I are fortunate that our children are well-mannered .... We are not relaxed because we are blessed with "easy" children .... our twins are easy, because they are relaxed ....
May 04th, 2015 11:03
Sono bimbi tranquilli perché sono bimbi che si sentono amati, desiderati, perché hanno una serenità familiare indispensabile. E poi avranno anche un bel carattere. Ogni bimbo del mondo merita serenità.
May 05th, 2015 18:44
Whoah! This photo is....amazing. You look sexy and 20 years old :-) Breathless!
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