Blog News
Blind Maze

Darwinian anvil
There's that Darwinian anvil out there and we're all in it .... You can be hammered fine or you can be broken .... HP

Imperturbable with equilibrium ....
We need to instil a "permanent memory", one that lights up like fireworks, if our children are ever inclined to disobey. Obedience and respect are not obtained by using proper consequences, but are obtained by proper attitude. As in being...

...sleepless nights ....
I am a Mother and I am undoubtedly besotted by it!! .... I cherish the butterfly kisses, tickling their velvety cheeks with the flitter flutters of my eyelashes .... The invaluable cuddles, caresses, and our never-ending story "good night"...

World attitude ....
Children .... They are in our hands, under our rules and laws .... We teach them each and every day the importance of our existence and how one's life should adapt .... We must teach them properly the significance of life .... and...

The shadow of my smile ....
Looking at this photo reminds me of a bank vault .... where at times personal items are locked up, but rarely looked upon .... We just keep them there .... I have had my share of grief towards people and what you must tackle .... And, I am...

Please stop smoking .... I did on May 25, 2006, at 1:00 am in the morning. I never looked back. HP

Fiorello Furioso ...
I tried to find this video on the web "Fiorello Furioso" ( where he is responding to those of you who are trying to find out his...

Watching TV
Dylan Maria likes to watch TV upside down .... Sometimes, the world looks better if we look at it from a different prospective ... HP

Heather like a!!
Heather like a feather, tell me the weather.... Heather dolce piuma, dimmi che tempo fa??!! May 22, 2013 Hong Kong It was the twins' 3rd birthday and we were to celebrate with a party at their Chinese International school. We had...

Hotel Bans Kids.........
I must admit to have been in awe with horror when I read about this episode...and then I sat back and meditated the whole ordeal for a few weeks... May 20, 2013 Almeria, Spain Hotel CaboGata Plaza Suites refused a reservation for a...