Blog News
Blind Maze
Peking Duck
Hong Kong The recipe for Peking Duck dates back from the Ming Dinasty (1368-1644). The ducks that are bred for this purpose are slaughtered after 65 days. In their last 2 weeks, they are fed up to 4 times a day with livestock feed...
Art Central Hong Kong
Discovering Asia's Next Generation of Talent with my Twins ....... I love Art .... no matter what .... and this is the best way for Homeschooling !!! HPA

Proud to be ....
Dear Heather, I don't understand your annoyance towards Italy, as if only wickedness is a priority in this country. I don't agree with your accusations towards racism, it isn't correct for you to condemn a country this ferociously. Here in the...

Nemica Amatissima Report Card 5
The Nemica Amatissima Report Card, 5th week ... 10. To the director Stefano Vicario, a real Gentleman, to Massimo Pascucci, our director of photography, a magician, to the cameramen, to all the production staffers and to all of the...

Nemica Amatissima Report Card 4
The Nemica Amatissima Report Card, 4th week ... 10. To all of you, fans and not, that swarmed me with affection after my interview at "Parliamone Sabato". I love Italy and Italy loves me. 9. To Antonio Campo Dall'Orto (Rai's General...

Nemica Amatissima Report Card 3
The Report Card for my 3rd week during "Nemica Amatissima", this time, destructed like a kitchen .... 10. To Sorrisi e Canzoni Tv: I truly can't remember how many covers I have had with this magazine. Probably more than 25 .... And, I keep...

Nemica Amatissima Report Card 2
The Report Card regarding my second week of "Nemica Amatissima": 10. Butterflies in my stomach: when you enter "Teatro 5 di Cinecittà" you can feel it. 9. To Giada Curti: she is a sophisticated artist with...

Questions from Instagram
-LuciaLu @heather_parisi. Always a hat and sunglasses. A true Diva, eh! Yes, the exact word, I might add, as I am doing aerosol, attempting to eliminate the 8th obnoxious cold I have caught, while posting photos on Instagram and responding...

Nemica Amatissima Report Card
The Report Card regarding my first week of "Nemica Amatissima": 10. To Veronica, Fabrizio, Giorgia, Germana and all the dancers: I have no words to describe how they are amazing. I could even consider dancing again. I'm joking! 9....

A Special Day ...
A Special Day... How many of you can count your "Wedding Anniversary" & your adored man's "Happy Birthday", on the same day?! Umberto, you make me a better person & our children are from "genuine" and...