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Blind Maze

The Passepartout to bringing up our children ...
Posted July 05th, 2016
Hong Kong, 2016
I can't help but think of those relentless "washing-machine" thoughts, regarding my children. My life has been something of a roller-coaster and wisdom has enlightened me to learn my true homework: My husband, Umberto Maria, will always come before my children.
Hey, don't get me wrong, I adore each and every one of them, and, would do almost anything for them. But, I love my husband more.
Don't mistake my sense of alive fun and peculiar thoughts, for a lack of seriousness.
When amongst friends, I can't begin to tell you when I bring this subject up, that, expressions are the time of day as, disapproval, or better yet, rage and amazement, rise upon their scowling faces.
There is that "Golden Rule" that dictates to us, that Motherhood is the synonym to Sacrifice. Listen, my goal is to make my chidren's lives as serene as possible and, to teach the "true values" in life.
Have you ever noticed when you are on a plane and the stewardess' are telling us, no matter what, "YOU, (as in us, Adults!!) must put the Oxygen Mask on first and then, put it on your children"?! Well, I do believe, there is a reason.
I am a 24/7 Mother and I love every moment of it .... I have Instagram and Twitter as my witnesses!!! But, I am not putting aside my "couple's" needs.
The connection and chemistry between Mother and Child is shatterproof and rare, and sometimes, but not always, "indestructible" ... So, I have come to the conclusion that my devotion towards my husband, makes me a better person and in putting our heads together, our Family becomes a whole.
My husband and I are the prime example of what being, in a passionate and vibrant marriage is like. They are photo-copying us in everything, our little "mini-me's" ....
Living in a home with a Father and Mother who, without a minimum of doubt, adore each other and respect one another, is the passepartout to their growth as human beings. That is to say, I am putting my husband, foremost first, which is fundamental.
I am not embarrassed to say, well, I am actually proud, that our children have never slept in our bedroom, and, they knock before even attempting to enter. "Our" time is priceless. And, parents need "parent's" time ...
When we least expect it, our children will be leaving home, to go on and live "their" lives, and when they do, I would like to celebrate my adventurous task with the man I adore, my husband .... not sit in a quiet house with a person who has become a stranger, as a result of years of quietly, drifting apart, for "others" ...
July 05th, 2016 13:02
non c'e' bisogno di aggiungere altro!!!! GRANDIIIIIISSIMA!!!!!
July 05th, 2016 14:01
Sono sinceramente e profondamente felice per te, della tua ritrovata e stra meritata serenità personale e familiare. E concordo nell'impegnarsi sempre a mantenere vivo e salvaguardare un rapporto di coppia là dove è qualcosa di estremamente raro, per pochi, decisamente pochi, fortunati... God bless you!!!
July 05th, 2016 15:38
Ecco...vorrei scrivere tante cose ma non servirebbe, hai scritto tutto tu, condivido in pieno tutto...aggiungerei giusto una cosa, purtroppo ne quotidiano veniamo trasportati dall gli impegni caotici della vita che ci costringe spesso a correre swnza sosta tralasciando involontariamente solo ciò che è veramente tempo scorre, i bambini crescono, la vita di coppia cambia, si modifica...vorrei esser capace come scrivi tu...
July 05th, 2016 15:46
una curiosita'.
perche' non fotografi e non ne parli mai delle altre2 figlie?
July 10th, 2016 08:59
This is so true, what you have written here...:-) You are sincere and lovable. Thank you for sharing this with us, so honestly and openly. Thanks Heather.
July 10th, 2016 14:56
That is the best way to teach children to become good adults. By being a good example.
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