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Blind Maze

Heather like a!!
Posted June 07th, 2013
Heather like a feather, tell me the weather....
Heather dolce piuma, dimmi che tempo fa??!!
May 22, 2013 Hong Kong
It was the twins' 3rd birthday and we were to celebrate with a party at their Chinese International school. We had ordered 2 different cakes, yes, the Butterfly one for Elizabeth and the Motorcycle Balloon one for Dylan....23 children were awaiting this fun celebration. Well, that morning was exactly like the photo above....Blackstorm came to haunt us. The city was closed down and if you wanted to get anywhere, well, underground was the only way.
Oh, by the way, for those few who don't have a clue on how Hong Kong works, this city is literally open and on going 24/7, 365 days a year....holidays included!!
Here in Hong Kong it has been literally raining for the past 4-5 months...almost non stop. And, I am not kidding around here. It has been cold, too.
We are normally used to the sun with an average of 97% of humidity....but lately the normally muggy hot heavy-aired Hong Kong has abandoned us. Yes, one day every once in a while the heat comes to meet us, but it has been downpouring cats and dogs!!
I normally have a light tan, since I am not the sun lover I used to be.....our skin ages soooooo fast and gets dry. I have adopted the Asian way....subdued and ivory.
Anyone I speak with, in Italy, Germany, California, Hawaii or Abu Dhabi....we all say the same thing, "what on earth is happening with the weather?"
The recent tornadoes in Oklahoma that have been destroying homes and killing people are another proof that the weather is going haywire.
I think it would be awkward for me to say, be careful and that we should begin to understand the grave situation that we are headed for....but then again who will have the last laugh?!
May 30th, 2013 03:22
To answer your question Heather only a animal totally without God could do such a thing. I'm sure the devil has a special place in hell for this thing.
June 02th, 2015 17:52
E la storia si ripete...con sgomento e dolore infinito... Perché???
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