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Blind Maze
Free Mind

Call it with its name: racism!
Lo dico senza esitazioni e senza mezze misure.Chiunque non condivide la mia totale condanna di ogni forma di razzismo e non capisce che non ha nulla che fare con inutili e sciocche rivalità che non mi sono mai appartenute, può...

Hong Kong Today
Everyone keeps asking me how different our lives are after the explosion of #coronavirus To be honest I am a sort of a hermit & homebody, loving & wanting to stay at home, reading, cooking & doing #Homeschooling with our twins....

The Immigrant by Checco Zalone
Me dancer, you Tarzan. For certain "Web Idiots" this is the maximum that I, as an American Dancer, can write. Isn't the idea of someone's thoughts being valued not by what is in the message or contents, but for who...

Shoot fish in a barrel
Dear Beppe Grillo, To have the Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio shoot fish in a barrel regarding Hong Kong and to have him refusing to sign a bill - presented by Maurizio Lupi and supported by PD, Leu, Italia Viva, Forza Italia, Lega e...

To whom prefers to talk about gossip
These days, after my appearance on Live Non e’ La D’Urso I have been receiving many an email. Words of affect and solidarity, but also desperate cries of help from women that have lived or are still living a similar experience as I...

Instead of putting up walls, we should be tearing them down
I must be sincere, in these past weeks I have received praise & many a compliment for my sincerity & this has made me extremely happy. At times, I still run upon comments claiming, "Heather Parisi is always causing trouble &...
5 Demands
"Five demands, not one less!" Today we marched for the Freedom of Hong Kong. 💛 HPA
100 Days
June 9 to Sept 17 100 days 2,414 rounds of tear gas 503 rubber bullets 237 sponge granades fired 1,453 young people arrested and keep counting. Hong Kong numbers are the ruler of forms, ideas & hopes & the cause of Gods and...

One Certainty of Hong kong
The Hong Kong Protest demonstrates that people in any part of the world, if staying close together, count more than politics and, that it is not in any way true that young people have nothing to say, we only need to listen to them. I am not afraid...
For many of us, Watermelons are a symbol of Summer. But there are Watermelons and, Watermelons. Or am I wrong? In any case, at that price, never !! Only the Japanese could... Happy Estate to each & every one of you !! HPA
It's hot !!
32 degrees, 89% humidity: Would you like to know one of the "few" things Umberto & I disagree on? Heat! He adores it as I loathe it!! How on earth could anyone love hot & humid weather, I truly ask myself? Your makeup starts running,...
I really can run ...
Don't always trust what you see: I really CAN run! Or maybe not! I prefer walking (even 10 km!!), but running, is not my cup of tea. HPA