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Blind Maze
Free Mind

Me, the Tiger Mom.....
There have been times when I felt like the sky was throwing handfuls of sleety rain in my face.... But at the time being, I am enjoying life more now that I have matured and I see it differently. I am profoundly in love and am loved...

Words hurt, also .....
"It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honoured by the humiliation of their fellow beings" ....... Mahatma Gandhi

"......the true mirror of Italy ....."
Aldo Grasso said it in his colomn on his show "TeleVisioni", ..... ""Ballando con le Stelle" is the true mirror of Italy".... A variety show that is talked about thanks to a toupèe (yes, a damn ugly hair piece), nasty...

Father kills daughter....?
I ask myself if the maggiority of teenage girls realize how fortunate they be born in a safe environment. As in a secure home......surrounded by protection......most of all, out of harm's way. Why am I speaking of this in such a...

"Sweet child"......
A "sweet child" as he was known, Marcelo Pesseghini is a 13 year old murderer. August 4th, 2013 was a tragic Sunday, when he murdered 4 of his closest relatives in their home in Brasilandia, north of Sao Paulo. He killed in cold...

Taking a nap?!
This could only happen in China.... No, they aren't just taking a nap, their children are leaving the nest!! Parents napping at the University of Wuhan. Around 600 parents accompanied their children, Freshmens, on their...

Children having children....?
Lina Medina was 5 years and 8 months old when she gave birth to her first son. She is History's youngest Mother. Born in Perù in 1933, her parents rushed her to the hospital because of her swollen abdomen, fearing it was a tumor. Later they...

Magari ci fosse la crisi .....
Non c'è nessuna crisi, nè all'orizzonte nè al presente.Dice la nostra brava wikipedia: "crisi (dal greco κρίσις, decisione) è un cambiamento traumatico o stressante per un individuo, oppure...

In what home is there Pasta Barilla?!
I don't want to be catty while writing about this ordeal since someone "has caught their foot in their mouth...." When I read the other day, via Twitter, the news of a comment, a rude absurd comment, I might add....said by Guido...

Diet Soda Destroys your......
Just a few comments regarding Diet Soda, which can cause similar terrifying effects to your teeth .... When the enamel is worn away, teeth become more susceptable to cavities and other problems. It is a condition caused by acid...

Stranger Danger....
I recently read a story that is every parent's nightmare. In Britain on a ITV News show called "Daybreak" an experiment was done to prove that our children trust strangers more than we want to think...and it terrorized me...

Justice done...?
I dare not call him a man or a person, since it would be an insult to the Human Race... I believe that this cruelty belongs to a mental disease.......and that mental disease belongs to human beings. We have been reading for years of the...