Blog News
Blind Maze
Free Mind

Cannibal killer .....
Just by reading the headline: "Welsh man found eating eyeball and face of young woman...." I was disturbed ... When you think about it, the first image that comes to mind is "Silence of the Lambs" .... Anthony Hopkins alias Dr....

Does, "never" sound good for you?
"No, Thursday's out. How about never - is never good for you?" ... HP

Putin opens up ..
Moscow ... "There is a private life in which no one should interfere. I have always had a low opinion of those with snotty noses and erotic fantasies who delve into the lives of others" .... Russian President, Vladimir...

A way to avoid cheating?! ....
Jiangxi, China On Monday Novemeber 17th, a total of 1200 students took a mid-term exam together at Hongma Middle School .... The reason? .... The school decided to allow all of the students to take the tests together openly at the...

Is a man's penis, a tail .... or vice versa ....
Reasearchers believe that reptiles grow genitals to imitate legs, while humans mimic tails ... This is why, snakes grow two penises and men only one ... HP

Saudi King makes startling shift ...
Riyadh The Saudi King's advisory council has recommended that the government lift it's ban on "women drivers" ... Women must be off the road by 8pm and cannot wear make-up behind the wheel. And, you must know, that it is only for...

.... Climate Change ....
Italy Sardinia....Genoa....Lucca....Rome....Milan....and, and, and .... Who was it that said, "No need to worry regarding Global Warming......" ?!? .... HP

Do you, as I?
I know that this might sound strange but believe me, you...when at times a painstaking person asks you this most trivial question, I cringe. And, I occasionally lie. "How are you?" ..... Well, I used to answer (while living my first years...

He held hands with God .....
"Beauty and the devil are the same thing" .... (Robert Mapplethorpe) A rare eye .... HP