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Blind Maze
Free Mind

Be yourself .....
"Don't lose yourself by trying to decide what the important people in your life want from you" ..... There are two kind of people in the world, you and everyone else .... HP

Hong Kong Flats in the US ....
New York, United States How original!! A brilliant idea .... Ammr Vandal, is the architect behind this New York development. It drew his inspiration from living in Ma On Sham while he was a student .... As he comments, "Hong...

"Everyone has problems" ....
Taiyuan Shanxi Province, China In a hospital, Wang Zhihua chews food in his mouth and then passes it to his daughter, who is unable to chew her own food, due to a serious illness .... Please, now, if you have the courage, tell me some of...

Divorce windfall ....
Gold diggers, spurned spouses and divorcees are eyeing the possibility of a belated cash windfall after a top court granted a penniless woman the right to seek financial support from her millionaire EX-HUSBAND -- 22 years after they divorced...

Craigslist attacker ....
Longmont, Colorado Reading this article over and over, made me morbidly want to vomit. Whomever has had a baby in their belly, is aware of what I am saying ... Getting it out of your mind, is out of the question and then over and...
Urban Dance Camp: Hotbed of talent .....
The Urban Dance Camp is the world's leading education for dance and choreography .... No bluffing here, my friends, as it has unfortunately been happening, more and more often in "talent" shows .... Take a look at the raw and "real" talent...

Children of a lesser God .....
Dear Domenico Dolce, I am a Mother of two "synthetic children" born with the help of science, those children who, in your opinion, don't have the right to exist in this world, at least in the "natural" world decribed by yourself as...

Art Attack, I mean Basel !! ....
Hong Kong, China Get ready .... they are about to attack!! .... Remember Art Attack?! Our children sure do .... Art is an elaborate schooling for our brains and I highly recommend it to everyone .... especially our little ones...

My rival ....
Kentucky, United States Murray State University pitcher John Lollar doing a leg kick during his wind-up .... Everything is awesome!!!! .... HP

My motto ...
I respond to the negativity of others by showing how I can mastermind a set-up that seems destined to fail. There's a chance I am being fanciful, but my main concern is to spread hope and optimism .... It is surprising how infectious my...

Wading towards safety?! ...
Floodwaters caused by heavy rains are still alarming, as we are witnessing everywhere throughout the world .... HP