Blog News
Blind Maze
Free Mind

....the other one is Matteo Renzi!!" .....
After the Bachelor Degree in Mathmatics and Statistics, he received a Master's in Economics at the University of Essex where he had already started his teaching activity, in Economy and Econometrics, as he did at the University of East...

The answers you don't expect and nobody will tell you ....
Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable ... We close one ear, but listen from the other, or it seems, as in we didn't catch on. This is what certain people want you to believe ... My Grandfather, Nonno Frank was an immigrant. He left Terra...

Phenomenal !!!!!!
New York Phenomenal !!!!! Roberta and Flavia, you are the emblem of sport in it's most genuine significance. We are all proud of you ...... HP

I grew up in San Francisco, between Polk Street and Castro District .... well, to be honest, not exactly Viale Marconi in Rome, Italy .... I have always defended the rights of the LGBT world without any hysteria, but also without being a...

Pakistan in 2015
I know it may seem that I am fixated on gruesome and gory stories concerning life around the world, but curiosity craves in my brain. I am although, always a bit nauseated when reading details, as below...

....unanswered questions
Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers .... HP

Never underestimate.....
Many of the most important things we hold to be true, are not the product of fact or reason .... HP

Everyone knows what "belief" is until you ask them to define it .... A peculiar fact shows that we insist on others believing, when we are the first to be in doubt .... HP

Lonely ....
... Lonely people are so desperate to make a connection, they start imagining relationships where none exist ... HP go the Chinese again!! ...
China The Chinese never fail to blow me away .... Last Saturday, in Shaanxi province, 1,700 students took their exams. The staff at Yichuan Middle School said that the idea came directly from the students! .... 1,700 desks .......

People ....
We love hearing how right we are .... .... but not too keen on letting people in on it .... Without realizing, that within the exact same moment we grasp the idea, we become a part of it .... HP