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Blind Maze
Free Mind

One less follower, no sweat
Posted October 21th, 2021
Believe it or not, but in the last few days I have blocked 1,000 people!
Illiberal? Intolerant?
I don't accept criticism?
No, I can't stand rude people. Some of you disagree with me and that's okay. God forbid. But they do it with respect for the opinion of others and, politely.
Others enter my profiles only to offend with malice.
They are the ones who always use the same monotonous phrases: "shut up, dancer", "boring rich spoiled", "nanny-goat shut up", "you ran away", "failure", "you are a bad mother" ... which I honestly do not consider.
Then there are those for whom the world stopped in the 80's and words seem to fail them: "Cicale Cicale", "and the ant?" "what a horrible ending" or the pearl of pearls "You have become like Cuccarini".
But it is the comments wishing me death or those like "your whole family must get sick !!" that bring me infinite sadness and make me wonder, where are we going?!?
A bestiary of obscenities that hide an insecure, unstable and repressed state of mind.
Freedom is not an optional and when someone takes it away, you pay the consequences.
Many threaten to unfollow me, as if at this moment in my life, it is something that would make a difference.
Put your heart at peace; I am not looking for visibility or notoriety, on the contrary, if it were for me, I would be living on some remote island, far away from this world, that I really don't like.
I feel a responsibility as a citizen of the world, to stand up for the ideals and rights that I believe in and we should appreciate anyone who does.
One "thought" only is the worst of evils. A world made up of people who think alike, is the denial of our existence.
Despite the difficulties of these times, I still try to smile, because life is too short for negative feelings.
October 25th, 2021 20:55
La cosa che tollero meno al mondo, anche meno dell'ignoranza, è la maleducazione. Eh sì, perché se avere il cervello piccolo è una vera disgrazia, essere cafoni è sicuramente una scelta.
November 18th, 2021 16:55
Speriamo blocchino anche te, Parisi , e le tue minkiate no vax .
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