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The Gospel according to Fedele Confalonieri
Posted September 07th, 2021
I do not hide the fact that over the past months I have received requests to participate on some Talk Shows.
I have always considered Italian television, almost like a home for me.
When the red light of the camera turned on, my only thought was to get a smile and give a bit of entertainment for those who watched me from home.
That was my "job" and I believe I know how to do it.
I am aware that I do not have the skills to speak on TV about the topics that have monopolized our lives for the past two years now, but I would be happy to be the spokesperson for all those, and there are many, who have doubts and reticence about how this pandemic was managed and how it is still being managed.
I'm like any other citizen, who has the right to defend their inviolable rights.
I would do it by confronting myself with those who think differently, with calmness and respect for their point of view.
Which is what should have happened during all of these months and, never happened.
And that's the point.
When I read Fedele Confalonieri's words, affirming that “the positions are not treated as equals, it is evident. And our Tv hosts, who are smart, know this very well. The No Vax are four cats in bad shape ... we must let everyone talk. Even the alienated ... on Television even the No Vax are useful, but no one takes them seriously".
I understand that on these Talk Shows, there is no room for those of us who have doubts and reticence and therefore, there is no room for me either.
October 18th, 2021 14:12
I talk show sono alla pari dei reality: una vergogna per chi li fa, una vergogna per chi guarda...🤔
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