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Blind Maze
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A new generation of alien-ated
Posted August 03th, 2020
The damage resulting from the management of this emergency will end up being more devastating and terrible than the emergency itself.
Day after day, we are forced to deny our human nature of being social.
Forced to hide our faces behind a mask, we no longer give smiles.
We have given up every moment of passion, made of kisses and hugs.
We look at others with suspicion, fearing contagion.
And woe to those who complain: conspiracy theorist, selfish, take away their right to speak!
I read that the Lazio School Directors' Association proposed to add the vote for social distancing, along with the conduct vote and, will reward the best pupils, who will keep in mind, to distance themselves from their classmates.
To what point have we arrived?
The interaction and sociability, among young people, is a moment of fundamental growth, if we do not want to grow a socially alienated generation.
In this world, I don't recognize myself anymore!
August 03th, 2020 13:47
You are right. Life is hard. An den Scheidewegen des Lebens stehen keine Wegweiser.
August 03th, 2020 13:47
You are right. Life is hard. An den Scheidewegen des Lebens stehen keine Wegweiser.
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