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An older face is an act of truth
Posted June 19th, 2020
Dear @sonynapolitano ...
You are perfectly right about the change of my face & body from the times of Cicale & Disco Bambina.
They have also changed from before my last pregnancy at 50 years old.
Today I am 60 & the beauty from when I was an adolescent is long gone.
Since Day 1, I decided never to chase that beauty, & that I wouldn't try & cheat time, with plastic surgery.
An older face is an act of truth & humility at the same time.
It is also an awareness, that what makes each & every one of us unique, are our past experiences, and not anonymous bodies with a stereotyped beauty.
Believe you, me, I would never change my "aging" of today with yesterday's "beauty", because today I've so many a thing to talk about and, a serenity in which I never had before.
June 19th, 2020 14:01
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. And education is the best provision for old age. Sure, life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen. P.S.: you are always so beautiful. It makes my day better!!
January 15th, 2021 11:23
Carissima Heather il tempo passa per tutti.. La bellezza vola via ma rimane il tuo carattere la Grinta e la tua solarità, e di quello mi sembra che non ti manchi assolutante anzi
cmq secondo il mio modesto parere sei sempre molto bella il tuo viso riflette la solarità e la serenità e ti fa onore a non ricorrere a trucchi per fermare il tempo.. E una tua scelta che rispetto
un grosso abbraccio
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