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Blind Maze
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Bad Teachers
Posted December 10th, 2018
After over 30 years in RAI, I really appreciate that my name is still being used to catch audience's attention on Italian TV.
I have been told that every summer Techetechetè is broadcasting my comedy sketches and musical dance numbers, receiving great success.
I am really and truly honored.
Recently I have been mentioned in a new TV program for young kids on RAI3, called "alla Lavagna!".
I love the idea that even the sons and daughters, of the people who used to watch me on TV, can appreciate the Artist I have been and everything that I have done during my career with sacrifice and hard work.
Isn't it the dream of every artist to go through and be witnessed by generations on end?
Definitely, it is.
And how can I be remembered if not for one of my unforgettable songs as "Cicale" ?
This song is so famous amongst Italians that even the young kids of the tv show recognized it.
All of them, except the adult guest, invited as the teacher, who attributed it to the same singer who recently appreciated him so much in an interview.
Unbelievable !!
But the odds were not finished yet.
During one of the next episodes, another guest invited as a teacher, enlisted me together with some of the most famous Italian tv Artists.
Unfortunately, I wasn't exactly on the same list but, just by myself, on one that was reserved to "mean" people.
What an awful word "mean" is, especially for a kid!
I believe that every child needs primarily to be raised amongst good feelings, positive stories, nice words.
And it is the responsibility of the parents to tell the right stories as much as it is the teachers in the schools and, the famous stars on TV.
For this reason every single word should be chosen accurately and measured precisely.
For every child, "mean" people, as in the stories & fables, as well as in reality, are evil from whom you need to escape.
I really had a lot of difficulties attempting to explain to my 8 year old twins, why I was just by myself on that list of "mean" people.
Everyone who intends to teach young children, should teach good feelings, not rage and revenge.
Bad Teachers make our children bad people and, a public TV "distracted" becomes a partner in crime.
December 11th, 2018 11:26
Il trionfo del trash. Facciamo una raccolta firme affinché si assegni al personaggetto in questione una laurea ad honorem in "scienze dell'educazione"... Se il mondo intero avesse il tuo carattere e temperamento, girerebbe decisamente meglio. You are simply the Best.
December 11th, 2018 16:56
Un altro bla bla bla Heather...Tu sempre a testa non alta ma altissima,la tua educazione,la tua professionalità,il tuo essere persona perbene,vera,sincera,pulita,libera,lui solo in sogno può avere.Kisses❤
December 27th, 2018 11:50
Ciao Heather...leggo ora di questa calunnia, non ho visto la trasmissione e non mi sono persa niente!
spiace vedere che danno licenza di tali offese gratuite dettate dal peggiore dei sentimenti...l invidia, i bambini possono sentire e poi avere la capacità di non ascoltare certe falsità degli adulti...never forget to smile anyway...
January 09th, 2019 17:23
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C and w is a genre that has long been a fave of several. The most current Head of state to have revealed his love for songs and his capability at playing an instrument Musically followers hack no survey was the 42nd President, Expense Clinton. The 3rd is that children require moms and dads and also caregivers to design music making to guarantee their musical growth.
January 18th, 2019 18:47
Beh... ISalvini rispose che Cicale è diPorella Cuccarini per fare un favore alla sua adulatrice. Uno scambio di favori in pieno clima populista che da un po' di tempo satura l itaGLIa.
Ma facendole un favore ha dimostrato che della soubrettina made on Italy conosce proprio povo, anzi nulla.
La cattiva fede ha sempre un doppio taglio.
Magalluccio? Non fa testo.... Iroso Come pochi, le sue polemiche con le colleghe sono note.
Un moscerino con velleità da primadonna.
È l unico ...ometto...che litiga con la maggior parte delle donne con cui ha lavorato.
Un gentleman....
Techeteche ti rende omaggio perche' hai lasciato mto nel cuore del pubblico e.... Hai lasciato mto anche in quello della soubretti a italiana ( senza di te non sarebbe stato lo stesso fin dai suoi inizi ) e in quello del funghetto velenoso della rai
January 15th, 2021 14:32
Tutta la mia solidarietà ma come si fa... Non ho parole... Forse ti lasciavano nella parte delle cattive perché non hai paura di dire la tua anche se a volte è sconveniente... Ho perché difendi le persone diverse o particolari... Per questo per me vali tantissimo ed hai tutta la mia ammirazione.. tu sei sempre la migliore un abbraccione
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