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Victim of Italy’s unbendingly patriarchal society
Posted August 29th, 2018
Asia Argento is a “victim of Italy’s unbendingly patriarchal society”.
It was written in an article of The New York Times by Elisabetta Povoledo, as well as other American newspapers, appalled by “the broad and savage public pillorying” of the Italian Media against Asia Argento.
The New York Times cites screaming headlines and articles like Libero, Il Giornale, La Stampa and La Verità, described as outpost of the fight against the #MeToo Movement in Italy which literally “rejoiced” of the negative effects which the debacle of one of their own representatives, shall bear to the movement.
And, how can we think wrong of this ruthless scrutiny that involves the entire Italian journalism, virtually every newspaper. The only person that I admire is Marco Travaglio (Chapeau for his article on Il Fatto Quotidiano), who, once again, did NOT follow the leader of this odious and obnoxious lynching media mob who are loudly demanding Asia’s head, (asking SKY to fire her from the show).
In the past, I have criticized Asia’s certain arrogant manners, but today, I am on her side.
Bennet’s accusations against Asia smells like a skunk in heat! The US Media is catching onto this as well. Giving him credit is idiotic or, even worst, is acting like vultures. And it is totally dishonest, to pull the chair up to the same table regarding the victims of power of abuse against women who are fighting for the #Me Too Movement.
If I were Italian, I would feel repugnance and I would be disgusted by this herd of beggar journalists.
And, if I were SKY, I wouldn’t bend over to that “male establishment which found their road for a ferocious vendetta against the #MeToo Movement in Italy” cit. Francesca Koch President of the International Women’s House Roma.
August 30th, 2018 09:35
Io vorrei sapere come si fa a denunciare un fatto che non è più dimostrabile... Come si fa a giocare su traumi che ti segnano la vita...
August 30th, 2018 18:21
La violenza fisica e psicologica è una cosa vergognosa senza "se" ne "ma"
Io, personalmente non credo alla buona fede di Asia Argento.
Non giustifico, cmq, lo svilimento del lavoro che fa "metoo"...Asia non è il movimento.
September 02th, 2018 03:15
Forse invece non si è voluto sfruttare un fatto di gossip per avere più visibilità del programma in questione e questo sembrerebbe una scelta anche intelligente...nella vita dei comuni mortali comunque ti tagliano fuori dai giochi anche per nulla , se decidono di farlo ...
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