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Blind Maze
Free Mind

American Moon
Posted January 19th, 2018
The new documentary "American Moon" by Massimo Mazzucco is really a priceless piece of "truth".
I have always been in love with photography and I have been so lucky to have worked with the best photographers.
Some of them, such as Oliviero Toscani, Toni Thorimbert, Peter Lindbergh e Aldo Fallai gave their contribution to this documentary of Massimo Mazzucco.
To me, their testimonies can break up the official version of the Man on the Moon.
January 19th, 2018 08:41
It seems very interesting! I'm gonna watch it! Troppe verità date per scontate e fatte credere a tutti!
January 19th, 2018 11:40
Molto affascinante e spettacolare....grazie Heather di avercelo proposto e postato...sei sempre molto "attenta" su tutto ed è anche per questo che ti stimo😜kiss❤
January 19th, 2018 16:25
"Un grande passo per l'umanità" sarebbe stato NON prenderla in giro, ma l'arte del burlare deve essere più forte perché poi si è continuato con "la legge è uguale per tutti" e compagnia bella...
January 27th, 2018 07:28
My dearest Heather!
I have been watching you since someone some years ago gave the magic announce that a extraordinary star 💫 was arriving in Tv to become the best and unforgettable dancer than ever!
Happy birthday🎈 my dear Heather
I hope this wonderful day will fill up your heart with joy and blessings.
I wish you to celebrate this event with your husband and your little and sweet creatures and with whom love you! Me too obviously!😊
You deserve the best because you are really a special person.
Happy Birthday!
January 27th, 2018 10:58
Happy birthday Heather, ho letto sul corriere on line del tuo compleanno,...mi viene in mente una dolcissima canzone di miguelito bose che vorrei tu no vuelves! Se tu non torni....un abbraccio stella ciao ×××××
January 27th, 2018 23:57
Ciao Heather... Buon Compleanno!!! Appena in tempo!!!! Augurissimi di tutto cuore. Tuo franco
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