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Fashion Madness
Posted November 17th, 2015
"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the streets, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." ...
These words by Coco Chanel, are so true and actual in this day and age, and, they have always been a part of my life. Since forever, I have used maniacal ways regarding my look on stage and off, in my private life, adapting to the "moment" of my existence and to whom was near me. My being meticulous, would be an understatement ...
It might seem strange coming from a Crilù who's familiar way of dressing was multi-coloured tights and sequined dresses .... But I must admit, I am having a slight problem getting used to the absolute freedom, better said, the anarchy that is in Hong Kong, with a disorderly approach to mix colours and materials, without logic I must say. I am under the impression that in the morning, the women living here, "grab & dress" whatever is near them, without vaguely thinking of their appointments or the weather. It truly isn't that hard, to NOT go wrong. Outside, in the open air, it is humid and hot, 9 months a year. In the Malls and the skyscraper buildings, the temperature is close to living on the North pole, since air conditioning freezes even your inner thighs ...
This is probably one of the reasons the women living in this city, feel free to wear whatever pops up in their mind. I have pinpointed "3 different types" ...
The first, obviously, is the rich Chinese woman. Her one and only challenge of the day, is to succeed in wearing as many a famous brand imaginable, at the same time, I must add. It isn't important if the clothes & accessories haven't anything to do with one another and causes a major clash to the eye, or if they are kitsch and seem like Victoria Beckham's tacky flamboyant sister. The "must" is to flaunt as many brands, even if they aren't in sinc ...
Isn't it the logo that catches the Fashion "beginner's" eye? ...
The second, is the Business woman ... These are the women who populate the World Finance offices and would never abandon the skin tight "tube" dress or the figure-hugging skirts, 1 inch below the knee. They wear their 30 denier nylons with 6 inch heels, religiously, under the scorching sun, which for us normal beings, the only thought would be to slip on a swimming suit!! ... I envy their obstinacy in which they endure the pain heroically, as they tediously whoosh the escalators and innumerable stairs. Or, as they stand in the "never ending story" lines of the MTR (Underground Metro) at rush hour, entering and leaving with extreme nonchalance. At times it seems like you are at the circus watching trapeze artists, whereas you are teeny tiny watching from below ...
The third category makes my hair go up on ends, at only the thought. She is indifferent and has absolutely zero taste in clothes, using them for only covering a "birthday suit's" body. Mixing white shoes with black tights, a blue skirt with a fuchsia top and an Apple green purse, is horrid to me. I try my hardest to understand, but there is zilch in common ...
But if you think about it, going on a wild-goose chase on what to wear, doesn't really make any sense today. I remember what Donatella Versace said to me: "Every Fashion Designer's desire should be to give women a choice on what to wear, so as to bring out their individual personality and try to achieve what they want. And, what women really want, is just to feel beautiful ". ...
November 17th, 2015 10:04
Il linguaggio dell'abbigliamento è un linguaggio ancora tutto da decifrare... Come ci si presenta, è il nostro biglietto da visita che racchiude in sé messaggi cifrati agli occhi dei più. Sull'argomento psicologi, analisti, terapeuti, sociologi...hanno fatto non pochi studi... La classe non è acqua, ma ci sono creature con classe da vendere e...portafogli ridotti...e creature con portafogli gonfi e gusto zero... Sta nell'occhio umano saper cogliere le differenze...
November 18th, 2015 16:47
Mi ritorna una frase celebre di Valentino, lo stilista: " L'eleganza e' l'equilibrio tra proporzioni, emozione e sorpresa".
. Pero' di la verita', un po di gusto estetico te lo ha regalato l'Italia. . .concedici questo piccolo orgoglio, senza nulla togliere al tuo naturale senso del buon gusto. .
Direi che c'e' tutto in questa frase, ad ogni modo la moda ha anche, fortunatamente, sdoganato certe imposizioni che un tempo costringevano le donne a ferree obbedienze, come per esempio le scarpe devono essere uguali alla borsa, il rosa con il nero ( mentre oggi lo si abbina molto all'arancio, al rosso, sembra una follia ma invece funziona!) e via dicendo. . .un'evoluzione che, a parere mio, tiene conto anche delle influenze di altri popoli, culture, sapori, colori. . .
Heather, sempre bello leggerti, mi immagino le tue facce inorridite di fronte a certi strambi abbinamenti ha ha
November 19th, 2015 06:18
I think to have a taste for a fashion is an art, intelligence, experience, many things. You are coming from Italy Heather, the heart of the best fashion in the world. There everything is an art, the country, the food, the language, the physical look of the woman and men. Art and love....Italian people they know how to live, they are born with natural feeling of the fashion and this will not change. I understand that comparing these different way of dress habits drive you crazy. But they are incomparable haha this like a two different planets.:) Thanks for this and stay well. Auguri
November 22th, 2015 23:10
Grazie Heather
Tu sei nella “categoria Heather” e basta
Bellissima sempre in ogni occasione e poi comunque sei talmente bella da sempre che potresti permetterti di mettere qualsiasi cosa e ti starebbe bene comunque.
Il tuo modo di vestire rispecchia il tuo animo, la tua passioni per tutti i dettagli del vivere, i tuoi colori poi esprimono la tua gioia di vivere e la tua umanità per la quale forse dovrebbero inventare dei colori aggiuntivi per descrivere appieno quanto è grande il tuo cuore.
Sei stupenda Heather sempre e poi ... tu fai tendenza sempre. Chissà quante hanno tentato o tentato di imitarti ma è impossibile perché sei unica e irripetibile.
Il vestito di Crilù al tempo di stava divinamente come adesso ti sta benissimo un tailleur o qualsiasi altra combinazione.
Mulier Mirabili ….direbbero i latini.
Giant hugs Heather
e un grande saluto e tutti quelli che ti seguono.
A presto
Con l'affetto di sempre e per sempre
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