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Blind Maze
Free Mind

Be yourself .....
Posted April 07th, 2015
"Don't lose yourself by trying to decide what the important people in your life want from you" .....
There are two kind of people in the world, you and everyone else ....
April 07th, 2015 09:46
This is so touchy and nice, makes my eyes wet and my soul better. Thank you Heather, I love you xx
April 07th, 2015 13:51
She is so lovely! Tu sei sempre stata una spanna sopra agli altri! Attendo con gioia la tua preziosa autobiografia arricchita da molteplici e inedite fotografie, fondamentali documenti nel tempo... She likes you, I think so!
April 09th, 2015 19:39
sei grande in tutto anche nell'essere madre e nel cogliere tutti i dettagli - anche piccoli - del vivere.
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