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Craigslist attacker ....
Posted March 24th, 2015
Longmont, Colorado
Reading this article over and over, made me morbidly want to vomit. Whomever has had a baby in their belly, is aware of what I am saying ... Getting it out of your mind, is out of the question and then over and over again, the envision continuously flaunts itself in front of me, around each and every angle of my home .
This just couldn't be true and since it is, I want to know her motive ...
Michelle Wilkins, 26 years old, who was 7 months pregnant, went to 34 year old, Dynel Catrice Lane's home to buy baby clothes advertiseed on Craigslist .... Something that I would never in my right mind do, considering the fact that I wouldn't exactly feel confident going into an unknown's home ....
Wilkins was then beaten and fatally stabbed by Lane who, expertly cut and then ripped the baby out of her womb .... Before walking out of the basement room, she cut Wilkins' throat with a broken glass.
The suspect's husband, who arrived at 2:15, saw his wife covered in blood and saw the baby in the bathtub gasping for air. He was convinced (as were everyone else they knew) that she was pregnant .... He then rushed them to the hospital, claiming that she had had a miscarraige ....
In the meantime, Wilkins managed to call 911 crying, "I'm pregnant, she cut me in the stomach... Help me.... " . When the police arrived they found her in a bed covered in blood, going in and out of conscious ....
She is recovering in the same hospital where her baby girl died ....
Lane is being held on $2,000,000 bail in Bolder County Jail ....
Lawyers always have an excuse for Paedophiles, Rapists, Murderers etc .... "Their pasts were mutilated by agony" .... "They had an awful childhood, they too, were abused" .... "They were led down the wrong path...." ....
Bla Bla Bla ....
I wonder what they are going to invent regarding this barbarian .... What was she thinking in the car on their way to the hospital with the dead baby?! ....
Throw the key away ....
March 24th, 2015 13:49
Sono sgomenta!!! Capitano cose nel mondo che a raccontarle NON ci crederebbe nessuno... E le pene, spesso, sono così ridicole che nella maggior parte dei casi neanche si denuncia più anche-e soprattutto- per la vergogna di quanto si è subito... Buttare la chiave!!! Sono pienamente d'accordo con te. Come sempre.
March 25th, 2015 13:58
Da sentirsi male...
Capisco il disagio che una persona pu' avere avuto in passato ma e' il " Qui ed ORA" che e' importante... Il passato di una persona non puo' andare a distruggere il futuro di un altra.
Credo che non sia un bel lavoro quello dell'avvocato...come si fa a difendere qualcosa di cosi' aberrante ed ignobile?
Pelo sullo stomaco? no...non vuoe molto, molto peggio
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