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Blind Maze
Free Mind

Peculiar entryway....
Posted February 02th, 2015
What is this cartoon trying to say? ....
Is it offensive towards, who today, is watching the telly?! ....
Posted February 02th, 2015
What is this cartoon trying to say? ....
Is it offensive towards, who today, is watching the telly?! ....
February 02th, 2015 15:26
Ha ha
Per il mio pensiero: e' un'offesa per chi fonda la propria esistenza su cio' che passa alla tv; e' un monito positivo per i giovani perche' invita loro a cercare 'altrove' la propria linea di pensiero e individualita' ; e' una realta' triste per i disincantati della tv come me.
Grande Heather!!
June 16th, 2015 17:27
Tutte e due! Comunque, carina.
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