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Maddie + Shia = Sia & Daddy
Posted January 13th, 2015
I just came across a video that caught my eye ...
I am bored out of my mind with the music industry .... longing for new songs by Lucio Battisti, Lucio Dalla, Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Prodigy, Marilyn Manson, Eminem, Santana, John Lennon and .....
Well, watching this video, my mind went backwards to another era. Both my eyes and mind went wandering and my heart jumped a beat. A true reality and I was in awe by it. ....
When I was 13 years old, I was ahead of my time, expression-wise and as being extremely was a no no to kick your leg higher than a certain was actually considered exaggerated. Well, call me "to the extreme" but these characteristics were the key to my success in Italy ....
Maddie Ziegler reminds me, of me!! And in Sia's latest video, "Elastic Heart", she is also "her" Mini-Me .... No doubt about it. ....
The choreography by Ryan Heffington is clever, giving a rare view of what really goes on behind closed doors.
It reminds me of the brilliant Veronica Peparini's drawing power when choreographing a number. She is underestimated, in my opinion, and has true talent.
"Elastic Heart" is old school and has absolutely nothing to do with paedophilia .... it is obviously regarding Sia's difficult relationship with her Father, interpreted by an ingenious Shia Labeouf .... I loved him in the 3 "Transformers", wth his whimsical ways ....
What were all those nasty articles and Twitter rants about, by the way? ....
January 13th, 2015 14:19
Heather!!. . . .tu non ci crederai mai, davvero mai!
Tempo fa ho visto per caso su un canale tv musicale il video "Chandelier" sempre di Sia (spero tu lo veda !) ho pensato a teee!! Perche' la ballerina protagonista, la stessa del video postato da te , cioe' Maddy Ziegler, e' bravissima, snodata, espressiva al massimo, sono rimasta senza parole dal talento di questa ragazzina e , inevitabilmente, ho pensato a te! Non si puo' non farlo!!
Grazie per la spiegazione di questo video, l'ho guardato e a me trasmette molta tenerezza e forza, chiaramente i messaggi artistici vengono spesso travisati nel loro contenuto, ma rimane un bel video, anche il pezzo e' carino.
Grazie Heather, ahhhh quanto ci manchi quanto manca il talento . . ..
January 13th, 2015 14:59
Che bello sentire l'opinione di qualcuno che apprezza l'arte di dia e dei suoi collaboratori! Non ho per niente condiviso le scuse di Sia che ha postato su Twitter a causa del nuovo video.
January 13th, 2015 20:35
Very nice video and interesting idea, thanks Heather for sharing with us and for your post and comment. But nobody can't dance and be like you. So real, so passionate, so live and lovely. You are the only one!
June 15th, 2015 14:38
Non è di facile interpretazione... Lascia aperte più possibilità... Ad ognuno, la sua...
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