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Blind Maze
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Eating sushi .....?!
Posted September 17th, 2014
Only in China?!? Nooooooo .... only in Japan, this time around.
Would you ever eat sushi off a woman's body, the Nyotaimori way? It is a common Japanese cuisine practice. The women takes a fragrance free shower, then spray themselves with cold water, to keep the body temperature low. Then they become, to be blunt, a serving platter ....
Umm .... I will pass ....
September 17th, 2014 11:29
Whoah! I think I will pass too :-)
September 18th, 2014 11:54
Ma perchè? Mi sforzo ma non ne capisco la ragione...
September 22th, 2014 00:50
che tristezza infinita
June 11th, 2015 14:08
Non so se ridere o piangere... Aiuto...
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