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Blind Maze
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3-year old with 160 IQ
Posted March 17th, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona USA
She's not even in kindergarten yet, but has become the youngest member of the prestigious Arizona chapter of Mensa. Yes, Alexis Martin, of Queen Creek, is a 3 year old with an IQ of 160!!
Now just thinking of this, let alone writing about it, makes me reflect.
Is this constructive to send her away to a "Genius" school? Are they denying her right to attend a normal nursery school and playing with children of her own age?
A simple response is ..... Alexis reads on a 5th Grade level. She taught herself Spanish using her parents' iPad. She qualified among the top 2 per cent of the general population on a standardised intelligence test.
Alexis is one of 3,300 Mensa members under the age of 18 in the United States, with another 56,000 adults belonging to the group.
I think it is going to be an astonishing adventure for her and her family .....!!
March 17th, 2014 11:38
Cara Heather
L’intelligenza è un grande dono .. come a te è stato dato il dono del talento nella danza e non solo.
Spero che questa bambina possa godere del suo dono e che comunque sia educata all’umiltà e alla comprensione.
Il pericolo sempre in agguato purtroppo è quello di essere guardati – in questo caso per l’intelligenza – invece che come un qualsiasi essere umano.
May 30th, 2014 15:29
She would have trouble fitting in, in a normal peer group. It's a good thing that special programs are now available for children like her, so she won't feel like an outcast.
June 08th, 2015 14:08
Ogni tanto nascono "fenomeni" secondo natura, ogni tanto si "costruiscono" fenomeni da baraccone... Speriamo questa bella bimba possa esprimere al meglio e in libertà le sue doti...
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