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Blind Maze
Free Mind

Only 39 years in prison?!
Posted January 22th, 2014
David Kwiatkowski, a travelling medical technician who deliberately infected dozens of patients in multiple US states with Hepatitis C through tainted syringes, has been sentenced to 39 years in prison.....
Only 39 years?!
Kwiatkowski, 34 years old, was a cardiac technologist in 18 hospitals in 7 states before being hired at New Hampshire's Exeter Hospital in 2011. He had been fired at least 4 times for allegations of drug use and theft. Since his arrest last year, 46 people have been diagnosed with the same type of Hepatitis C as his.
He admitted to stealing painkillers and replacing them with saline-filled syringes tainted with HIS blood. He pleaded guilty in August to 16 federal drug charges.
Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus that can cause liver disease and chronic health problems.
During his trial, he even had the courage to say, "I don't blame the families for hating me....I hate myself."
I have no pity for such a human being .......
January 24th, 2014 22:15
Hi Heather :)
Incredibile! Sicuramente la vera giustizia non è umana ma l’uomo ha il dovere – per sua natura di essere che cerca il giusto e il bello – di assicurare che sia fatta giustizia sempre al massimo delle sue capacità che gli sono state date. Il cammino e lungo e tortuoso e “ricco” di egoismi e atti disumani ma ciò non toglie che l’uomo possa migliorarsi con l’impegno di tutti.
Abbracci Heather
PS: Heather quando torneerai a deliziarsi con qualche gustosa ricetta magari di Hong Kong?
June 06th, 2015 13:54
Un altro deficiente a cui è stata data la laurea in scienze infermieristiche... E sono severamente selezionati... God help us...please...
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