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Man 'murdered family' ......
Posted December 15th, 2013
Shenzhen, China
I read every single day of my life, devouring newspaper after newspaper, of atrocious happenings. This article caught my eye by the continuous family problems hitting "every day" life ...
Yang Fei, 39 years old, killed his wife, son and daughter and stuffed their bodies in a freezer within a 5 day period ...
February 13:
One evening he was quarreling with his wife, Liang ..... he sat her on a chair and then tied her hands with her pajama belt, while strangling her to death with another belt .....
February 15:
2 days later he did the exact same thing to his 8 year old son when he was contradicted ..... That evening around 10:15, he put the 2 bodies in a freezer .....
February 17:
Yang stuffed a towel in his 12 year old daughter's mouth and bound her hands with ropes. He raped her and then strangled her to death, putting her body also in the freezer next to her mother and little brother .....
His excuse, well, the one that his lawyer defending him will use was the following ....
Yang grew eccentric and unsociable after his parents' divorce when he was a child. His mother remarried but he lived with his father and his step-mother's children bullied him, making his life hell.
He married Liang, a fellow villager but they didn't often live together since she was working in Dongguan City. He didn't accept the way that she was raising the children and began to feel hatred towards her.
Those poor children ...... this type of behaviour rings prehistoric to me ....
December 21th, 2013 10:38
Thank you Heather, is good that someone as you speak and care about this. In this way I believe something can be change for these children. :-)
June 04th, 2015 14:39
La cosa più triste è che casi del genere capitano quotidianamente sotto i nostri occhi e ci siamo assuefatti... Non è una scusante ma un triste dato di fatto... Il mondo è pieno che versa di deficienti di ogni tipo... e i manicomi sono chiusi... Mah...
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